Getting Smart on Teachers as Collaborative Curriculum Designers

Authored by Getting Smart Staff and Literacy Design Collaborative
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Technology opens new doors for collaboration and extends the work of excellent teachers. Teachers can share their passions, struggles, research and lessons easily with each other online, as well as work together to create powerful experiences for students around the globe.
This is why a teacher-developed curriculum is so important. On the front lines of education every day, teachers are the most familiar with which student needs are not being met and preventing them from being successful.
Getting Smart on Teachers as Collaborative Curriculum Designers explores Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC), an online set of tools and resources created for educators by educators after the College and Career Readiness (CCR) standards were announced. LDC helps teachers not only implement these standards in their classrooms, but also gain valuable professional development time while collaborating with other teachers.
As the teachers who implement LDC in this bundle share, they are learning and growing right along with their students as they design their LDC modules. So how does one begin on the LDC path? It’s as simple as visiting the website, opening an account and digging into the rich content already available. Once equipped with the knowledge, experience and contributions of teachers across the nation, you’ll be ready to create strong and impactful curricula for your classroom.
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