How Digital Learning Contributes to Deeper Learning

How Digital Learning Contributes to Deeper Learning
Authored by: Tom Vander Ark, Carri Schneider
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This paper reveals how different components come together to create the most favorable conditions for the best teaching and learning to take place. In this case, those components are Deeper Learning and Digital Learning. This paper aligns with the Hewlett Foundation’s assertion that all students must have access to educational opportunities that foster deeper learning in order to be successful in college and their careers. Authors describe how creating these opportunities for every student in every classroom can be achieved by using personal digital learning tools that customize the educational experience and serve the individual needs of each student on his or her own unique learning path.
“How Digital Learning Contributes to Deeper Learning” identifies three primary ways that digital learning promotes deeper learning:
- Personalized skill building in preparation for deeper learning: for example, adaptive learning in the Learning Lab at Rocketship Elementary;
- Schools and tools that foster deeper learning: for example, project-based learning networks like New Tech and Edvisions; and
- Extended access: expanding access to quality courses and effective teachers online.
To encourage deeper learning at scale, authors offer 10 recommendations that will help state, district and policy leaders to think through the steps to achieving deeper learning at scale such as providing incentives for models that support deeper learning, developing leaders, convening to share resources, developing new platforms, and building upon existing frameworks.
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