Join Our Twitter Chat Friday at 9amPT/12pmET: What Should Follow the Student?
John Bailey, Dave Myslinski, Tom Vander Ark, and Carri Schneider plan to host a Twitter chat on the upcoming Digital Learning Now! Smart Series paper Friday, September 7, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. PT/ 12:00 p.m. ET.
To join the Twitter chat, follow the hashtag #SmartSeries. Getting Smart will moderate under @Getting_Smart and ask questions of all participants and the following panelists:
- John Bailey at @John_Bailey
- Dave Myslinski at @DMyslinski
- Tom Vander Ark at @tvanderark, and
- Carri Schneider at @carrischneider.
The Twitter chat will cover the following questions from Saturday’s blog “What Information Should Show Up Day One With Students?”:
- When a student moves from grade-to-grade or school-to-school, what information should a teacher have available to get to know his or her new student?
- Is there any data that you would NOT want to follow a student?
- Customized learning requires a comprehensive learner profile. Besides typical gradebook entries, what kind of data about students is likely to prove useful?
- How should parents and teachers work together to maximize the value of the profile while minimizing privacy concerns?
- Are there examples you might share of people leading the way in these areas?
- What do you see as the greatest challenges to creating these systems?
In addition to the Twitter chat, if you have an opinion on any of these questions, please comment or send us an email:
[email protected] and [email protected]. Getting Smart will provide a wrap up of the discussion after the chat.
We look forward to chatting with you!
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