What do you want to learn today?
Search over a decade of blogs, publications and podcasts to find the answers to all your learning innovation questions.
A New Education Architecture: New Goals, Learning Experiences and Signals
Expanding Access, Value and Experiences Through Credentialing
New Pathways Handbook: Getting Started with Pathways (and Career Clusters)
The Portrait Model: Building Coherence in School and System Redesign
Green Pathways: New Jobs Mean New Skills and New Pathways
Support & Guidance For All New Pathways Journeys
Unbundled: Designing Personalized Pathways for Every Learner
For more, see Publications | Books | Toolkits
New learning models, tools, and strategies have made it easier to open small, nimble schooling models.
Focused on charting and defining the future-ready education system we need to serve and prepare all learners.
Focusing on how making a difference has emerged as one of the most powerful learning experiences.
This campaign will serve as a road map to the new architecture for American schools. Pathways to citizenship, employment, economic mobility, and a purpose-driven life.
We share stories that highlight best practices, lessons learned and next-gen teaching practice.
The climate crisis is the most complex challenge mankind has ever faced. We’re covering what edleaders and educators can do about it.
The #NewPathways campaign is a road map for American schools, where every learner, regardless of zip code, is on a pathway to productive citizenship, high wage employment and economic mobility, and a purpose-driven life. It will also explore and guide leaders on the big advances of this decade — how access is expanded and personalized, how learning can be guided and supported, and how new capabilities are captured and communicated.
We’ve been talking about microschools through the blog and in our town halls over the past few years and recently announced A Big Push for Small Schools, the first grant opportunity from our Learning Innovation Fund. This cohort of grantees is dedicated to driving real change in their community and in the lives of learners through small school models.
Our Credentialing for All publication answers the “how,” “what,” “why,” and “who” of credentialing learning experiences. Through video, diagrams and countless examples, we explore what an education system that empowers learners with transparent, portable learner records could look like.
Search over a decade of blogs, publications and podcasts to find the answers to all your learning innovation questions.
We collaborate with and advocate for impact-oriented partners who are committed to accelerating the future of teaching, leading and learning. Working with our vast network of resources and partners, we design informed, strategic solutions that last. Whether your organization needs support with learning design and coaching, strategy, professional learning, media, communication and marketing, or are looking to build your next campaign we’re here to help!
For microschools to be a high quality, equitable and sustainable option for all children, schools need technical support, communities of practice, and financial support. The key to scaling and sustainability is informal and formal microschool networks.
Type: Publication
This paper describes a policy opportunity in three interlocking areas:
Type: Publication
Every learner deserves an unlimited number of unbundled opportunities to explore, engage, and define experiences that advance their progress along a co-designed educational pathway. Each pathway provides equitable and personalized access to stacked learning experiences leading to post-secondary credentials and secure family-sustaining employment. This vision is only enabled by an unbundled learning ecosystem.
Type: Publication
In an era where skills and competencies are at the forefront of educational success, the transition from traditional transcripts to Learning and Employment Records (LERs) is pivotal. This analysis provides key insights and practical frameworks to help educational institutions and organizations implement equitable and transparent credentialing systems.
Type: Publication
Over the last few years, we’ve shared hundreds of pathways stories through our blog, podcast, and various publications. To synthesize these key learnings, we compiled the New Pathways Handbook, a great jumping-off point to our numerous resources and launchpad for getting started with pathways.
A “Portrait” framework helps leaders implement a new collective re-design vision. This publication highlights the “how” and the “why” of five interconnected and dynamic portraits: the Portrait of a Learner, the Portrait of a System, the Portrait of a Leader, the Portrait of an Educator and a Self-Portrait.
Type: Publication
With Support and Guidance, strong advisory systems build purpose, help learners explore careers, build their social capital and skyrockets their potential. Strong Support and Guidance systems are critical for learners to increase their agency and sense of belonging. This publication highlights models and exemplars of robust advisory.
Type: Publication
AI in Education is a comprehensive exploration of the potential benefits and challenges of AI integration in the education system. The publication starts with a brief history of AI and its impact on different sectors, including education. It then delves into the potential benefits of AI in education, including personalized learning, improved outcomes, and reduced administrative burden for educators.
Type: Publication
Climate change and massive funding support has created new demand for rapid infrastructure building and greening our economy. This publication focuses on identifying the many opportunities for developing a purpose-driven and skillful workforce via Green Pathways.
The goal of Green Pathways is to generate quality jobs, which will happen through the introduction and nurturing of green skills.
Type: Publication
This publication answers the “how,” “what,” “why,” and “who” of credentialing learning experiences. Through video, diagrams and countless examples, we explore what an education system that empowers learners with transparent, portable learner records could look like and addresses the many benefits of a credentialed approach.
We’ve been doing this for over a decade and have authored and co-authored tons of great resources. Check them out!
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This podcast highlights developing trends in K-12 education, postsecondary and lifelong learning. Each week, Getting Smart team members interview students, leading authors, experts and practitioners in research, tech, entrepreneurship and leadership to bring listeners innovative and actionable strategies in education leadership.