#EdTechChat: Digital Citizenship

The Getting Smart team was excited to participate in another great night of #EdTechChat (Mondays 5pmPT/8pmET). The chat was lively as always and filled with great comments and discussions. Check out the wiki page for archives of the chat and info on the fabulous hosts of the chat. Below is the recap and a few of our favorite answers to the Digital Citizenship themed questions.
1. How do we define Digital Citizenship?

  • MurphysMusings5: @MrStaubSTEM Teaching children to be good citizens has always been a goal if education, now the forum has changed
  • gpworden: A1: Digital cit extends beyond the acceptable use policy and creates community. Positive communities become global.
  • launchpadtoys: A1: Digital citizenship is learning to participate safely, competently, and constructively online.
  • teachwatts: A1: #DigCit is about empowering students to make wise choices & finding ways to make their own dent in the universe

2. Who is responsible for providing instruction for digital citizenship?

  • Kairosedtech: A2: This is a task all stakeholders share: teachers, admins, parents, even students with peers. Everybody’s got to be involved
  • mrg_3: A2: All adults. it’s critical that educators take the role of learner first, then they can model and guide students
  • iplante: #digitalcitizenship is the responsibility of all stakeholders #edtechchat But how do we bring everyone to the same table?
  • pNabbie: DigCit needs to be imbedded in student’s education..not taught in isolation

3. How do we educate students about their Digital Footprints?

  • BUCSlead: A3: We educate students about digital citizenship the same way we educate about citizenship- often and with real world examples.
  • tillmantiger: Q3: Teach students that what do, say, think is public and permanent once posted online.
  • ValaAfshar: Dear student, Google yourself and ask: “would I hire me?”
  • teachwatts: A3: Share the impact of positive #DigCit footprints here are some gr8 examples via @mcleod: bit.ly/18Pxlzl
  • ryanhorne0076: My students have to prove they know the basic rules of the online road before they receive their school Internet License.

4. Finding the right balance has to consider the kids’ zone of proximal development – what can they do with help?

  • ajpodchaski: A4: Gradual Scale – protect the young but allow for understanding and growth to pull back the curtain to see the wizard
  • teachwatts: A4: Everytime you block something, students spend their time figuring out how to get around it
  • CallahanLuke: A4. Not sure we can balance. have Ss for short time & only block so much. need to educate/empower Ss to make correct decisions
  • KatrinaStevens1: Q4 What’s the balance between teaching digital citizenship and protecting students by using blocking tools?
  • Kevin1Michael: Let’s get real, the average teenager checks their mobile device over 120 times a day!
  • thomascmurray: A4: Don’t make technology rules and policies based on the 3% of knuckleheads.
  • kayciesharrow: A4: just like so many social issues, Trying to block out the issue does nothing. Education and empowerment change choices

5. Q5 How do we support parents around issues of digital citizenship?

  • ShawnMcCusker: @KatrinaStevens1 We start by listening. really listening and letting them be part of the convo.
  • LittleBigsMama: A5 what about twitter chats, digital conferences, or google handouts for parents? They are busy but connected.
  • thomascmurray: A5: Have students discuss their Digital Citizenship with parents. Most kids could educate parents on the what’s out there.
  • mrg_3: #edtechchat A5 several #INeLearn teachers have started family Twitter events, class blogs, etc to engage parents in digi learn experience
  • christybrenn: A5: support parent training, partner w/ local pub. library for access issues/group tutorials
  • EdTechSandyK: A district in my area holds “Digital Parent Nights”. They broadcast live and record on UStream for later viewing as well.

6. What are key resources for educating students concerning digital citizenship?

Announcement of Night:
thomascmurray: #EDTECHCHAT ANNOUNCEMENT: We are partnering with the @BAMRadioNetwork to bring you a radio show/podcast each week! bamradionetwork.com/index.php .

Caroline Vander Ark

Caroline is President of Getting Smart.

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