Show What You Know: A Landscape Analysis of Competency-Based Education
Introducing a Framework for High Quality Project Based Learning
Getting Smart on Reinventing Education: How a Pittsburgh Network is Remaking Learning
Remake Learning is a loose network of 250 organizations including schools, 67 districts, universities, libraries, startups, nonprofits, and museums–all focused on engaging, relevant, and equitable learning. Learn more about their work here.
Ask About AI: The Future of Learning and Work
What's happening in the automation economy? What are the civil and social implications of artificial intelligence? How can we prepare ourselves and the next generation for exponential change? It's time we ask about AI.
Exploring Accountability in K-12 Digital Education
Digital learning is rapidly growing and evolving. In this new policy brief we answer several pressing questions: What factors are influencing enrollment in digital learning? What is the current state of accountability for digital learning? How can we align school leader and policymaker expectations?
Getting Smart on Social Media 2.0
Social media is a great way to build community and communicate. In our latest Smart Bundle, we look at strategies for educators and EdLeaders looking to make the most of their social media efforts.