smart review
Review | Digital Citizenship in Action
With passion and investment in exploration of the topic, this can be a “handbook” for any educators who have a responsibility or desire to develop digital citizenship within their students, classrooms, libraries, schools or any other learning opportunity.
Smart Review | Fire Forensics: Evidence and Claims
Fire Forensics adds a lens of reality to what Hollywood may want us to believe is a glamourous field, while doing nothing to diminish its allure and appeal.
Smart Review | Leading Personalized and Digital Learning
"Leading Personalized and Digital Learning," brought to you by the Harvard Education Press, Mary Ann Wolf, Elizabeth Bobst and Nancy Mangum, provides "A Framework For Implementing School Change" through the lens of personalized and digital learning.
Smart Review | The Reading Mind
Reading "The Reading Mind" took me beyond simply marveling at reading to deeply understanding it in a way that I can apply across the board in my work with young people and educators.