school visits


Professional Learning: The Power of School Visits

School visits can be a powerful part of a professional learning plan and a critical part of a school transformation effort. Here are five specific reasons we feel school visits are a must-have item for community leader and school member participation.

Schools Worth Visiting

Language Learning Engages Houston Students

I recently had the chance to visit Herrera Elementary School and Mandarin Immersion Magnet School in the Houston Independent School District. Here, I share a brief outline of what I saw along with a number of photos.

Schools Worth Visiting

Kepner Keeps True to the Innovation Model

Kepner Beacon Middle School is in its inaugural year, but it has already developed an impressive program. Here, I share some photos that outline what I saw in my recent visit to the school.

Project-Based Learning

My First School Visit: Project-Based STEM at TAF

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I was first invited to go on a school visit in my home district of Federal Way, where I received my 20th-century education. Read more about how the district is making strides towards next-gen learning here.


4 Lessons Learned from a Silicon Valley School Tour

By: Laura Gilchrist . A Kansas City teacher shares four lessons learned from her recent Silicon Valley school tour that she feels can help her and other community leaders empower their students to create, learn and lead in school and community.