school visits
Napa Junction: Deeper Learning for All
South of the vineyards in Napa is a school that serves a diverse body of K-5 learners. They are a prime example of how a committed staff and effective leaders can work with like-minded schools to create powerful learning for all students.
A Place-Based Micro-School in the Heart of D.C.
Whether at the early childhood or the high school level, we see that leaders are listening to their students and developing responsive microschool models. Have a good learning idea? Try it with six kids tomorrow.
The Keys to High Quality PBL: Public Products and Presentations of Work
Public products and presentations of student learning are key to truly high quality PBL. One way to engage students in publicly presenting their projects, products and learning is through exhibition nights.
Minerva: The Intentional University
As a venture-based Silicon Valley startup, Minerva has developed slowly over the last seven years. As a new form of higher education, progress from concept to enrollment was lightning fast. Learn more about what sets them apart here.
Montour Schools: Home of the Evolving Educators
Post four of our 6-part #RemakeLearning series takes you on a virtual field trip to Montour School District, "home of the evolving educators."
CMU: Pittsburgh’s Learning Engine
The third post in our 6-part #RemakeLearning series looks at CMU's partnerships with Pittsburgh Districts to advance education innovation and shape a new K-12 approach to computer science.
The Case for School Makerspaces, According to Those Who Use Them
I recently talked with some innovative educators (and their students) who have utilized makerspaces in their elementary schools. Collectively, they noted the academic benefits and the development of 21st-Century Skills and growth mindset.
An Innovative K-8 Human-Centered Approach at Design39
While the Design39 facility renders many speechless, the teaching and learning that take place at “D39” leave visitors feeling inspired and more motivated than ever to create empowering learning experiences for students. Read more in our detailed account here.
Santa Ana Unified Creating Incredible Pathways for Students K-12
When people think of large urban districts, they often think about all the challenges that they face. And it’s true--large urban districts often have to overcome many hurdles. But these challenges are not insurmountable, and Santa Ana Unified proves it.
Smart List: 100 Middle & High Schools Worth Visiting
School visits are a great way to learn. After a lot of visits of our own, and a number of community recommendations, we’re excited to share this list of 100 secondary schools that can give educators a refreshing outlook on what schools can do.