
Future of Learning

Getting Ready for the Jobs of the Future

What skills will students need for the jobs of the future? How will the automation economy impact the employment landscape? Tom and Emily dive into the future of work and how schools can best support students and help them become career ready.

Ed Policy

EdReform in the Modern Era

American education reform has been driven by some recurring themes such as early learning, standards-based reform, school autonomy, student engagement and new personalized learning. Here is a short history.

Future of Learning

10 Current and Emerging Trends in Adult Learning

We live in a world where the unexpected is the norm, and the only thing we can really be sure of in the future is that change will occur rapidly. What does this mean for adult learning? Here are 10 current and emerging trends.

Future of Learning

Work Worth Doing

As waves of novelty and complexity draw nearer, what should young people know and be able to do to be successful? The fundamental changes underway suggest these eight next steps to help young people shape work worth doing.

Difference Making

Review: The Future of Jobs and Job Training

With the emergence of new educational and training programs to suit the changing job market, what does a graduate profile look like? In this post, I look at PEW Research's recent report: The Future of Jobs and Jobs Training.