Project-Based Learning
What is Performance Assessment?
Performance assessments are real-world scenarios that reflect the ambiguity of real-world challenges. They require higher-order thinking and problem solving. They are concluded with authentic performance. Projects are the most common performance assessment. The tools to support projects and track academic development are (slowly) getting better . Transparent evaluation criteria: the learning outcomes drive the creation of the task.
Expeditionary Assessment: PBL Lessons from Ron Berger
Expeditionary Learning (EL) is a network of project-based schools. Chief Academic Officer, Ron Berger, is a thoughtful advocate for better assessment. Check out his advice for better PBL....and his new book.
First Ever White House Student Film Festival Launches Today
K-12 students from around the country are invited to create a 1-3 minute short video. Finalists could have their videos screened at the actual White House and posted on the official website.
How Many Educators Does it Take to Organize a Local Maker Faire?
If, perhaps, you are searching for a Maker event in your area but don’t see one planned anywhere close by- it might be time to plan your own! It’s really pretty easy and an ideal way to get conversations happening and relationships building between schools, parents, organizations and businesses in your community- and when you plan your own, it’s tailored to your area and customized for the students you are intending to reach.
High Tech High: Student Engagement Leads to Deeper Learning
I've been there at lease a dozen times but I'm always floored by the student artwork. Here are two students expanding on a SketchPad art they produced to illustrate how genetic switches (contributed by parents on either side) influence our life.
Learning From Charters to Shape a District
Superintendent, Pat Deklotz and assistant superintendent of Teaching and Learning, Theresa Gennerman hosted our tour of the three charter schools that have developed right inside their traditional elementary and high schools.
5 Teacher Take-Aways From A Maker Faire
Here’s 5 reasons why teachers should go to Maker Faires.
Pathbrite Provides E-Portfolios For All Learners
Even though e-portfolios are a natural fit for higher ed, the idea and the tools are quickly trickling down to high school age and even younger because they are great for goal setting as well as recognizing and recording the competencies students need to work towards.
Dream Classroom Nets Independent Learners
The time flexibility and teaching days gained enabled her students to participate in the Urgent Evoke Game created by Jane McGonigal and the World Bank Institute. “It has helped my students learn and really appreciate their role as global citizens.
Summit Denali: 12 Components of an NGLC Winning Design
The innovative Bay Area school network is a pioneer in blended and competency based learning. CEO Diane Tavenner launched Summit Prep, the organization's flagship school, a decade ago. With each new school, Diane and her talented team continue to innovate on the secondary school model. Here's the ingredients of the current blend: