personalized learning
Back to School
Preparation for the 2010-11 year is in the can, but we can look forward to interesting developments next year that will make learning more personal, portable, and powerful.
Students Deserve More Magic Moments
Starting next month, students deserve more magic--more engaging, more personalized, more relevant learning.
Smart Profiles on Social Platforms in Post-LMS world
Sparse thoughts on next-gen learning platforms. Where will profiles full of content-embedded assessment data sit? Perhaps profiles, like lots of other stuff, will just be social learning apps.
Ed Professionals: "What is Personalized Learning?"
We continue in our series of interviews with public education professionals, education entrepreneurs and the members of public education that are socially invested in creating a better future system for new generations of learners. In these video segments, we asked each to define personalized learning from their perspective.
Ed Professionals: "What is Personalized Learning?"
We asked education professionals, education entrepreneurs, and members of America's public education system to describe their vision of personalized learning. Here is one in a series of clips from those interviews.
Design Fix
Joel Rose, CEO of School of One in New York City, answers questions in the run up to the Innovate to Education Symposium being held by SIIA at the Harvard Club in Boston August 4-6, 2010. For more information on the symposium and to register, please see details inside.
Personalize and Deliver
As a prelude to the Innovate to Educate Symposium in Boston on August 4-6, 2010, we run another in a series of interviews with personalized learning experts. Here we ask Howard Gardner to tell us about his vision for personalized learning in an age of education reform. Howard Gardner is the Hobbs Professor for Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Mass Customization for Student Success
Roberta Selleck, Superintendent Adam's County School District 50, Colorado talks about her vision of personalized learning ahead of Innovate to Educate: A Symposium on [Re]Design for Personalized Learning, August 4-6, 2010 / Harvard Club / Boston, Massachusetts
You Wouldn't Inhibit Amazon, Why Education?
Former West Virginia Governor Bob Wise talks with edReformer about equity strategies and policy for education in anticipation of the SIIA August 4-6 Personalized Learning Symposium in Boston, Massachusetts.
Hewlett Launches Deeper Learning Initiative to Promote Improved Curriculum & Assessment
The Hewlett Foundation team calls their new scope deeper learning – a combination of the fundamental knowledge and practical basic skills students will need to succeed in a fiercely competitive global economy.