personalized learning
Personalize Learning with Buzz from Agilix
Megan explores how Agilix is personalizing learning with their Buzz platform.
Five Trends Demand Smart States
Innovation is sustained by advocacy and policy, and that makes the role of state leadership and policy essential. Smart Cities focuses on urban areas, but these keys apply to states as well. State leaders should aspire to creating an environment that works for everyone.
5 Teachable ‘Deflategate’ Moments: Connecting Football to STEM
From the Ideal Gas Law to the Coefficient of Restitution, we dive into the most teachable STEM moments from Deflategate as noted by players, coaches, and math enthusiasts.
The Case for Boundary Breaking Education
It’s the boundary spaces between sciences, countries, systems and people where conflict, innovation and education frequently happen.
10 Roles & 7 Recommendations for Leading Toward Deeper Learning
By: Tom Vander Ark & Karen Cator. If we want more students to experience powerful learning, school and district leaders need to benefit from the same blended, competency-based and deeper learning experiences that they seek to create for students.
Preparing Leaders for Deeper Learning
A Getting Smart paper released jointly with Digital Promise that advocates for programs that prepare and develop school and district leaders who will create and sustain deeper learning environments in schools.
7 Personalized Learning Highlights
Our team shares what edleaders and organizations dedicated to bringing personalized learning to classrooms around the country reminded us this week.
6 Categories of Deeper Learning Skills for Education Leaders
By: Karen Cator. It's essential for education leaders at all levels to understand, articulate and model deeper learning skills. The role that micro-credentials play when it comes to teacher expertise in deeper learning skills and ways education leaders can develop their skills in six different areas.
DLN Report Card Preview: Creating Innovation Zones in West Virginia
By: Erin Lockett. The Digital Learning Report Card examines each state’s progress in implementing policies that give students access to high quality digital learning. Today we're highlighting progress with innovation zones in West Virginia.
The Syllabus We All Should Have Gotten
By: Angela Skinner Orr. What we should have heard on the first day of school: If you don’t want to do it, don’t. Hack your education. You will fail. Use your iPhone in class. Grade yourself. You will fail. Document, document, document. You decide what you learn. Start now.