personalized learning


How to Give Students a Chance at the Game

As Putnam describes in his new book, Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis, it is key that we move towards a collective responsibility, and a “return to being a nation where there are only ‘our kids,’ not just ‘my kids.’”


Mozilla and the Quest for Universal Web Literacy

Since schools and organizations will utilize the software created by companies like Mozilla, it’s increasingly important that there be open dialogue keeping the free exchange of ideas flowing. It is here that we get to the crux of whole-scale change: universal web literacy


Implementation Challenges on the Path to Personalization

There are several technical challenges to delivering on the promise of personalized learning including defining a standard student record, boosting interoperability, and combining multiple formative sources. However, there are additionally daunting implementation barriers related to school models, leadership and parents.


9 Ways to Get Your Grammar Game On: A Playlist

At the end of nearly every school year, a few parents will ask me for recommendations for websites or apps to help their children review grammar over the summer. So with the help of my colleague, Sarah Cauthen, I created a grammar review playlist with my students in mind.

Ed Policy

Utah Boosts Kindergarten Readiness with Literacy Games At Home

To address a growing Kindergarten readiness issue, the Utah legislature created UPSTART, a five year pilot program to test the potential of literacy software used at home. Preschool-age children in the program receive an individualized reading, math, and science curriculum with an emphasis on reading.


Hacking Our Way to A Better Education

By: Kirtley Fisher. One day we’ll have the resources every school deserves, but in the meantime, we can use our creativity to give our students the education they deserve. And we’ll do it together with School Hackers.


Technical Challenges on the Path to Personalization

We believe a comprehensive learner profile, data backpack, and student portfolio are key to personalization. However, there are five challenges to overcome to unlock the power of personalized learning that includes student records, interoperability, and developing growth rates.

Personalized Learning

Formative Assessment To Initiate Personalized Learning

The combination of powerful technology with passionate teachers is creating a new path for personalization. Formative assessment is one of the first steps to personalizing the learning experience for students.