

Meet DreamBox Learning CEO Jessie Woolley-Wilson

By: Octavia Goredema. "At DreamBox, we seek to do well in order to do good. We knew that pioneering adaptive learning in 2006 was not enough. Until we served every child who wanted and needed DreamBox, our work was not done." - Jessie Woolley-Wilson

Personalized Learning

What Do Students Need to Learn Math? Competence, Curiosity and Commitment

By: Nancy Weinstein. What do students need to learn math? Well, it turns out the 3 C's are really important: Competence, Curiosity and Commitment and commitment, writes Weinstein, may be the most important of all. We might not all be math people but we all need math, argues Weinstein, and sometimes commitment is what it takes to learn.

Personalized Learning

Success in Algebra Requires Deeper Learning

By: Tim Hudson. All math teachers will tell you they want students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers. Yet we see plenty of evidence that most students are not performing as well as we would hope. To ensure student success in Algebra 1 and beyond, students need to think on their own and design their own solutions to problems.