50+ Learning Leaders at #iNACOL15
Everyone at #iNACOL15 is a leader in making the shift to personalized learning a reality. But, here are more than 50 individuals that really took the event to the next level.
EdTech 10: It’s a Small World
It's been a fun few days hanging out with Mickey and 3,000 of our friends at the iNACOL Blended and Online Learning Symposium. Here's 10 big updates in EdTech.
The Many Ways Personalized Learning Plays out in Education
From Project based to blended and even GenDIY. There are many ways personalized learning plays out in education and there's been a shift in the way people are talking about innovation. Recognition of the potential of innovation to help close achievement gaps, boost access and better prepare students for college and career is growing.
For the Parents, When You Know What You Don’t Know
It is encouraging to find a book that is so well-conceived and large-hearted, engaging and humbling at the same time, where the voices are real, the advice authentic, and the situations familiar.
Nine Ways States Can Create Competency-Based Education Systems
By: Dale Frost. Our public education system needs to enable competency-based learning through an alignment of both policy and practice. Moving from a time-based system to a learner-centered system requires systemic transformation.
EdTech 10: Be in the Know Before iNACOL
Next week we’ll be in Orlando on the ground live blogging, podcasting, and sharing GenDIY and Smart Parents at the iNACOL Symposium. As we pack, we freshen up with EdTech news to be in the know about before heading to the education industry’s leading K-12 event.
Connecting to Powerful Innovators: iNACOL Symposium 2015
Register today for the education industry’s leading K-12 online, blended and competency-based event -- The iNACOL Blended and Online Learning Symposium, November 8-11 in Orlando, Florida.
Blended Learning Credit Recovery: Best Practices from iNACOL
In a new report, Using Online Learning for Credit Recovery: Getting Back on Track to Graduation, the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) identifies best practices in online and blended credit recovery programs.
EdTech 10: Seizing Opportunity, Propelling our Game
This week’s EdTech news focuses on new opportunities for teacher-leaders, startups, and schools to skill up, improve strategies, and propel their game during the summer months.
EdTech 10: Unabiding the Slide
This is the time of year when students are at the top of “Summer Slide.” Thankfully, for leaders in EdTech the end of the school year hasn’t slowed progress in developing new learning opportunities, platforms, and partnerships.