Turning Dead Malls into Community Assets
Repurposing dead malls may be the right invention opportunity to create human development centers while salvaging returns for property owners.
Portrait of a School Wide Project Launch
Charter Elementary school launches universal school wide project as a means to engage all students and staff in a relevant, personalized, and public purpose.
Redefining Pre-Service Learning In The Virtual Age
Whether it’s modeling better virtual instruction, as well as increased emphasis on social-emotional learning, school leaders and professional learning facilitators are having to rethink how to prepare teachers for the school year.
iLEAD’s Equity Task Force Takes A Stand Against Racial Injustice, Inequality
In order to have a deeper understanding of equity, institutional biases, and anti-racism, Michae shares how iLEAD Schools have set an urgent response in motion
Successful Play-Based Learning in Virtual Environments
Michael shares how play-based learning can be facilitated successfully in virtual learning environments.
Maker Learning Network Launches Long-Term Solutions to High-Quality Learning Online
Beyond the technical challenges of going 100% online, there are also considerations of making sure that learners at home are also engaged in hiqh-quality, personalized and relevant instructional experiences.
Competency-Based Approaches Focus On Skills, Relevancy and Personalization
Redefining learning outcomes and assessments by applying competency-based approaches will lead to more personalized and relevant learning.
iLEAD Schools Creating Authentic, High Quality Project-Based Learning Environments
iLEAD Schools are offering deeper and more personalized inquiry-based learning, fueled with a rich culture, creativity and commitment to necessary elements that facilitate high-quality project-based learning for all students.