horace mann
Designing Beautiful Places for Learning
Victoria Bergsagel, president of Architects of Achievement, has helped envision successful programs and inspiring spaces for hundreds of schools. Here are ten suggestions she offers for opening stellar new schools.
6 Practices of Thoughtful Leaders
Here are examples of thoughtful education leaders creating innovative places where young people can practice consideration, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity in a complex and sometimes overly violent world.
Learning (and Teaching) Leadership in the Early Grades
Mukilteo Elementary School in Washington State teaches students leadership skills by implementing FranklinCovey's The Leader In Me, a program designed to teach the '7 Habits of Successful People' to younger students.
5 Teacher-Recommended Podcasts that Will Enrich, Entertain and Inspire You
By: Kristine Scharaldi. How can a busy teacher find time to discover innovative ideas and new technology tools? Here are five teacher recommended education podcasts that can help.
Do You Have A Blended Learning Department? You Should.
Washington, D.C., is an interesting place for education, as we recently witnessed while touring schools there with a group from Kansas City to learn more about what the district has done to blended and personalized learning.