Future of work

Future of Work

Solving Interesting Problems With an Entrepreneurial Mindset

By: Mason Pashia. As the workplace continues to shift, leadership and agility are becoming necessary for all members of a team. An entrepreneurial mindset consists of many of the most useful skills for the future. And no, it doesn’t mean starting your own company.

Future of Learning

5 Ways PBL Facilitates Lifelong Learning

Our ability to continually and effectively learn, as independently as possible, will determine our future success in the global economy as much as anything. Project-based learning fosters this lifelong learning mindset in students that will carry them forward for their future careers.

Future of Work

You Can’t Spell Humanities Without Human

Remember working on book reports? Reading approximately 150-200 pages and praying to encounter another student’s previous annotations; anything to indicate what is important: a theme, an essential detail, anything. This level of comprehension and these sifting skills undulate and change through life, eventually manifesting in countless ways—a proclivity for storytelling,…

Future of Learning

Education in the Age of Agility

Driven by the rise of AI, automation, and big data, the Age of Agility Alliance brings attention to education through supporting the development of agile learners, educators and systems.