Getting Started with Design Thinking
The Getting Smart Staff has assembled articles, podcasts and case studies to help you and your community get started with design thinking.
Organizing Your School As A List Of Courses Doesn’t Work for Learners
A list of courses will not help young people (in high school or college) find and begin to make their unique contribution. It’s time to move beyond the historical structures and practices what we inherited in education and start doing the right thing for kids.
What Happens When We Do School Better?
By: Doris Korda. Doris explains how students in the Columbus City Schools have the option to participate in Options for Success (OFS) to avoid missing out on valuable learning opportunities.
Training Engineers to Spot Opportunity and Impact
The KEEN National Conference brings together a diverse group of higher education engineering faculty and leadership to explore how entrepreneurial mindsets can better prepare engineering students for the future of work. Learn more here.
CEO’s at Recess: Teaching Entrepreneurship in Elementary School
How can we sustain and build on these innate drives once young children enter school? According to Alesha Bishop, one answer is teaching entrepreneurship education.
A Moonshot to Address Wage Stagnation
Maria Flynn, president and CEO of JFF, recently caught up with Tom Kalil, chief innovation officer of Schmidt Futures and former deputy director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, to talk about the $1 Billion Wage Gain Challenge, a moonshot to address wage stagnation.
Teaching Innovation and Entrepreneurship to Fuel 21st Century Success
By: Andrea Keith. Learn why it is crucial that we define entrepreneurship in the 21st-century based on the skills required, not the money we make.
Venture University: A Trade School for the Innovation Economy
A look at Venture University, a new MBA alternative, that lets students learn venture investing on the job and even earn back their tuition.
Investing in a More Inclusive Tech Sector
The tech industry is deluding itself if it thinks it can make the world a better place without representing women equally. Here’s how three women are changing tech venture capital funding to be more inclusive and bring more women to the table.
How Shared Values at DSST Shape Youth Development
Shared values are central to life and learning at DSST. “We’re a values first organization,” said CEO Bill Kurtz. The shared values are alive in the DSST culture, practiced in the advisory system, and applied in real life learning opportunities.