Don't lock the doors to virtual schools
Read the following important post from Patrick Donaldson about limitations being proposed on online learning in Oregon. Similar efforts to limit opportunity by placing enrollment caps or geographic boundaries around online learning are underway across the country. These barriers will slow the development of a new generation of flexible options…
2020 Forecast: Last Word (3 of 3)
“You as a pupil will be placed in the centre. Personalised education means that the school and the teachers start from and adapt themselves to your goals, your ambitions and your potentials….The fundamental principle behind our method of learning is the conviction that all pupils are…
Good news, bad news
Good news 1. It’s great news that the Utah State Board approved a pilot of computer adaptive testing. Perhaps it’s another sign of the beginning of the end of the rampant misuse of 1950’s psychometrics. 2. High performing charter schools seem to have capture the attention of…
2020 Forecast: Implications
The KnowledgeWorks Future of Learning map points into the fog with the following identified implications: · Resilient School Communities: I’ll buy the need for better connections and more transparency · Amplified Educators and Learners: agreed—innovation will emerge from outside the formal…
2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning (1 of 2)
As soon as you finish reading this, go to www.FutureOfEd.org and check out the 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning, a recently released landscape map produced by KnowledgeWorks and the Institute of the Future. My friend Chad Wick flipped his foundation from a focus on…
Private Capital in Public Education-Feedback
1. Response from the Gadfly: But, of course, there’s a profound trade off. Vendors are not reformers. Consultants are not agitators. Advisors are not change agents. Okay, maybe they’re gradual change agents over the very long haul. In real political cycles, however (and in the…
Read new AEI white paper on edu innovation
American Enterprise Institute suggests an entrepreneurial approach to most problems we face including education. They recently published my white paper Private Capital & Public Education: Toward Quality at Scale. …
Day in the life of online learner; limited social networks
1. Read Learning Without Limits for a good description of a 5th graders day in Florida Virtual School. 2. Despite all the teacher social network startups, the “National Online Survey of District Technology Directors Exploring District Use of Web 2.0 Technologies” …
Edu-innovation will improve quality, expand choice
A charter school investor asked me what innovation had to do with school choice. The answer is that adaptive content–engaging, personalized, online learning with continuous feedback–will improve student motivation, accelerate learning, and expand options for students and families in 3 ways: * Informal learning: Improved access to broadband and powerful…
Challenges for Charter Schools
Read this important piece from AEI on Challenges for Charter Schools. Hess makes some good points about the challenge of scaling: • Models that rely on heroic effort have inherent limits to scale (e.g., KIPP) • The quality backlash and focus on ‘what works’ has driven innovation…