Computer science
Cybersecurity: A Promising Approach to Integrating CompSci and PBL
To maximize the benefits of computer science education, we should be looking for ways to bring it into authentic PBL--but that is an undeniably tall order. One way is through data science. Another, it turns out, is through cybersecurity.
CMU: Pittsburgh’s Learning Engine
The third post in our 6-part #RemakeLearning series looks at CMU's partnerships with Pittsburgh Districts to advance education innovation and shape a new K-12 approach to computer science.
South Fayette Schools: A Computational Carnival for Kids
What do you get when you combine a makerspace, science fair and coding bootcamp? South Fayette School District, the best example of integrated computational thinking we’ve seen in K-12 education. Learn more in the second entry of our 6-part #RemakeLearning series here.
NFL Players Helping Students Tackle the Challenges of Tomorrow Through Coding
On this recent Tuesday, as part of Computer Science Education Week, these professional athletes traded in their pads and helmets to be Computer Science, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (C-STEM) Ambassadors. Learn more here.
3 Ways EdLeaders Can Level the Computer Science Literacy Playing Field
By: Dr. Idit Harel. While there is a lot of talk about the importance of computer programming and coding, there is less action -- and funding -- to support it adequately. Here are three ways EdLeaders can begin to change that.
Smart List: 25 Coding & Computer Science Resources
An Hour of Code is a great way to get started, but to celebrate @CSEdWeek we wanted to compile a few more resources for those looking to dive a bit deeper into computer science.
3 Ways Computer Science Class Can Help with Student Readiness
By: Sofia Cabrera. While I was initially intimidated by the thought of taking a computer science class my senior year, I now know it had a tremendously positive impact on my readiness for college, career and life in several important ways.
Computer Science Education Week is Underway
The eighth annual Computer Science Education Week is officially underway, and students and teachers across the world are celebrating by participating in local Hour of Code events.
All Kids Coding in Rhode Island
Richard Culatta shares more on Rhode Island's CS4RI program--an ambitious plan to offer computer-science classes in every school in the state by the fall of 2017, making it the first state ever to do so.
Root: A Robot to Teach Coding
Root is a robot that teaches kids to code by allowing them to program it to interact with its environment in a diverse range of fun and engaging ways, simultaneously reinforcing their computational thinking and fluency skills.