Competency-Based Education
Combining Standards & Interests for Student Success
Right in front of us is the opportunity to build personal digital learning pathways that customize learning by level, interest, and motivational profile.
Time for Education Innovation
The Big Shifts pushing education innovation are the Technology Shift, the Global Shift, and the Learning Shift
From Private & Expensive to Affordable & Online
Western Governors University: a more affordable and flexible way to receive your BA.
More Testing in High School
More testing in high school, but state plans don't embrace personal digital learning.
Rethinking Time in Online Learning
In online learning, we often tout how one of its best attributes is flexibility. We talk about how online learning will allow students to learn at their own pace, and how we will meet them where they are. A case of this was talked about recently on CNN, an echo…
Making College/Career Ready Real
Grades are are a relic of the sorting-machine age-cohort model. Standards-based feedback is a small but critical step toward a personalized competency-based system that makes standards real on a daily basis.
Duncan’s Most Important Speech
Duncan attacks the factory model, seniority, LIFO and calls for transformational change and edtech as force multiplier
Cohort v Competency
Relationships matter at work and at school but how they are formed and nurtured will be reshaped as we shift from classrooms to social groups on digital learning platform.
Chris Sturgis: On Competency and Achieving It For All
This is a blog post by, Chris Sturgis, co-author of the recently published "When Failure is Not an Option."
5 Challenges Faced in Competency-Based Design
These challenges from the Chris Sturgis report, "When Failure is Not an Option," will be discussed in Phoenix next week at the Virtual Schools Symposium. You can find the full report at the iNACOL web site.