building 21
Why High-Quality Learning Opportunities Must Be Personalized to Each Learner
Technology We Need: Documenting the complete Learner Record
Nate McClennen and Rebecca Midles issue a challenge to those building and creating solutions in the education technology industry.
Five Mega Trends Reshaping Global Learning
Imagine school as a series of community-connected projects and skill sprints that develop leadership, collaboration and problem solving skills. Imagine a web of supports that help you make the kind of contribution you’re capable of making. Visit an innovative new school like Purdue Polytechnic High School in Indianapolis,…
Eight Ways New Schools Innovate
With the rapid global shift to hybrid and remote learning, there is a renewed interest in new school models. Highlighted are eight ways schools are innovating.
Restorative Practices at Building 21 Philadelphia
By: D. Spangler and C. Cubbage. The authors discuss implementing restorative and trauma-informed practices at at Building 21 in Philadelphia.