blended learning
Edu-Triumvirate: Mobile, Context, Adaptive Curriculum
Lessons in e-learning and blended methods from Hwang Gwo-Jen, Ph.D, Chair Professor, Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and Liu Gi-Zen, Associate Professor, Dept. of Foreign Languages & Literature, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
The Edu-Innovation Opportunity
A reporter asked me “what went wrong with the small schools idea?” It’s odd question because all the networks developing highly effective new schools—KIPP, Achievement First, Success Network, Green Dot, Alliance and dozens more—still use the tried and true rule of thumb of 100 students per grade. The better…
Seeking the Disruption-Seeking Missiles for Education Tech: Lessons from a VC
First in a series of excerpts from the recent Startl meeting in New York City. I look at the comments from Albert Wenger, Partner, Union Square Ventures and coyfully coin a phrase -- Disruption-Seeking Missiles
Group Knowledge as a Byproduct of a Distributed Organization
Blogging is an active learning process found in blended learning. With blogging, you combine active search for information with the discovery of new friends and information sharing networks that broaden your mind.