Next Gen Assesment
What is the purpose of assessment? Giving a brief overview, Tom describes four purposes for assessment as part of next generation of interactive student learning
More Testing in High School
More testing in high school, but state plans don't embrace personal digital learning.
APIP: the most important story you missed this week
You probably missed this Gewertz goodie yesterday, but the fact that there is now a set of testing standards could prove to be very important. Â With an eventually weakened ESEA, the Core and related assessments will frame the next decade of US edu. — A new development…
Placement Exams: The Hidden Gateway
Placement exams are the hidden gateway in American education. A new partnership may yield a more transparent and aligned system of high school exit and college eligibility.
New Assessment Report Falls Short
Guidance issued for Common Core assessment fails to embrace competency-based recommendations from iNACOL
Assessment Grants Chart Course for Decade to Come
ESEA didn’t get reauthorized this year, but the new framework for US education was initiated this week when the Department awarded $330M grants to two state consortia.
David Wiley: Access to Knowledge Initiative, BYU
Imagine going to the doctor and telling her that you cannot tell her how you feel because you don't trust her to do the right thing with the data you are providing. Yes, well, this happens every day in the education system, when learners' data is not put in the hands of the right people -- teachers -- so that they can make the right adjustments on time and with the most impact.
WKSKABATD released a sample curriculum. It was classic prep school, but not reflective of the 'fewer, clearer, higher' expectations we should have for all students. Their 'all kids should know all things' attack on P21 postpones the choices we should be forcing as we prepare to develop next gen assessments.
School of One: Toward the Killer App
A smart recommendation algorithm would work across curriculum. Joel Rose's School of One is a starting point.
State Edu-Leaders: Please Don’t Screw Up the Next Decade of Testing
State education leaders need to be thinking about students of the future, students of the present headed for a college-ready future, and the testing and assessment practices of the future that can be implemented today.