

ETS Advice on Automated Scoring

ETS assessment scientist Randy Bennett recently released seven recommendations on automated scoring. Race to the Top funding of state assessment consortia triggered Dr. Bennett's paper.


The old deal, the new deal, and the metrics

I don’t know about you, but I’m not paying much attention to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) debates in Washington.  NCLB, flawed as it was, represented a bipartisan commitment to equity and an end to the toleration of chronic failure.  What’s going on now (this weird local…

Personalized Learning

Automated Essay Scoring in a High Stakes Environment

Dr. Mark Shermis One of our goals here is to begin to create the data abundance mindset in U.S. K-12–prepping for policies and practices informed by big data surrounding anywhere anytime learning.  To that end, we like to highlight interesting projects and proposals–and we have a good one…

Personalized Learning

6 Reasons EdLeaders Should Let Kids Bring Devices to School

Bans on student use of mobile devices exist for some good reasons—kids use them inappropriately at school and there are safety and security concerns.  So why bother considering a change?  There are six reasons to consider BYOD. Digital natives learn and live with technology.  Most have and bring devices…

Personalized Learning

Good Assessment Key to Strong Accountability

Some #EdReform, #EdEquality, and #EdPolicy colleagues thought my blog Assessment Will Advance When it Moves Into the Background suggested that I didn’t support the idea of summative assessments and their associated use in school accountability systems.  This section may have begged the question: We’ll need to invent our way out of…

Personalized Learning

States Need to Plan the Shift & Close the Divide

Bob Wise, DLNCo-Chair Over the last ten weeks this blog and video series has featured the Digital Learning Now state policy framework.  Co-chair Gov. Bob Wise explains in the final video the importance of infrastructure to deliver on the promise of digital learning. Element #10…

Personalized Learning

Assessment Will Advance When It Moves Into the Background

Digital Learning Now is a framework for state education policy for the digital age.   Key to quality is Element #8, Assessment and Accountability. On assessment, DLN suggests that states should administer testing online: Administering tests digitally has multiple benefits. Tests can be administered and scored quickly and…