21st century skills

SEL & Mindset

Defining (and Driving) Collaboration

By: Jordan Lippman. In today's world, both employers and educational institutions place a high value on soft skills that are transferable across professional, academic, and social situations. One of the most frequently cited skills is collaboration.

Personalized Learning

How to Work Together to Build Capacities for Collaboration

Having challenged, in my previous post for Getting Smart, some of the common notions we educators share about collaboration, I acknowledge that it is only fair that I take some time to wrestle with what collaboration really means and why it is so important as we prepare our students for the future.

Personalized Learning

Collaboration, Really?

When I think of instances of true collaboration, Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir comes to mind: a blending of individual voices, each making his or her best effort to interpret the phrasing to contribute to the breathtakingly beautiful whole, all with the common goal of rendering a beautiful piece of music together. This extraordinary accomplishment suggests to me a metaphor for what we need to be doing as educators.

Personalized Learning

The Largest Myth About Educational User Experiences Today

The largest myth about educational user experiences today is that great user experience is about visual design and graphics. If we make it pretty and easy to navigate, we have created a good user experience, right? In reality, visual design is the icing on the cake. If we don’t put the right ingredients into our user experiences, visuals and graphics will do little good.


At the Moment of Teaching, Part II

Here is part II of a two part video series about the need for interoperability in America's education infrastructure. Brought to you by Agilix, for the Interoperability Forum in Washington, DC.