Avalon School
About Avalon school was created by a small group of parents and educators who had the shared vision of providing a different, more democratic learning environment for students in the Twin Cities. When forming the school it was decided to combine project-based learning with a teacher-powered governance model, in which…
Kearny High Educational Complex
About Kearny High School Educational Complex, located in San Diego, California, is a public high school within the San Diego Unified School District. The complex is comprised of four specialized schools, each offering unique pathways and focused educational experiences designed to prepare students for college, careers, and active citizenship. The…
Innovation Design Entrepreneurship Academy
About In its fifth year of operation, IDEA at James W. Fannin is focused on three major pieces for its students. First, the school provides a personalized education for every student, where students are engaged in content that is appropriately rigorous and challenging for their needs, interests and skill sets.
San Diego Met
About On the campus of San Diego Mesa College is a San Diego USD high school and member of the Big Picture Learning network. Learners take college classes three days a week and conduct internships two days a week. San Diego Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical High School, commonly known…
LEAD Innovation Studio
About Learn design thinking and develop leadership skills. A new facility for the 2020-21 school years was designed to support collaborative, project based learning and display student work. LEAD Innovation Studio, located at 7201 N. Line Creek Parkway in Kansas City, Missouri, is an innovative high school program within the…
Del Lago Academy
About A health sciences focused school featuring interdisciplinary projects. Business partners help define competencies and assess student work. To assess what students were doing throughout the scientific process they created Competency X, a badging system. Del Lago Academy – Campus of Applied Science, located in Escondido, California, is a public…
Casco Bay High School
About An EL Education school which keeps the school’s goals “clear, ambitious and essential.” Casco juniors engage in a long-term interdisciplinary project that results in demonstration of learning Casco Bay High School (CBHS), located in Portland, Maine, is a public high school that offers a rigorous, student-centered education rooted in…
e3 Civic High
About Located in San Diego’s high-rise downtown library. Students learn through a mixture of self-paced online instruction, teacher or student-led small-group instruction, direct instruction, and problem-based and project-based work. They benefit from strong supports and extended learning opportunities. e3 Civic High, located in the San Diego Central Library in downtown…
Metro Early College High School
About Launched in 2006 in partnership with the Ohio State University and Battelle. Students tackle big ideas, do real work, and take classes at OSU. Metro anchors the Ohio STEM Learning Network. The Metro Early College High School, located in Columbus, Ohio, is a public STEM-focused high school that serves…
DaVinci Rise High
About A unique three-campus school helping youth navigate foster care, housing instability, probation, and other complex challenges. Da Vinci RISE High, part of the Da Vinci Schools network in California, is an innovative public charter school designed to meet the needs of students whose lives and education have been disrupted…