Profile of an Unbundled Learning Ecosystem: Colorado

Key Points

  • Unbundling education in Colorado involves connecting K-12, higher ed, and workforce systems to provide diverse learning pathways.

  • Employers play a pivotal role in creating work-based learning opportunities, enhancing student readiness for the future workforce.

In Colorado, the unbundled learning movement is reshaping how education is delivered, bridging the gap between traditional schooling and real-world experiences. This initiative is driven by the need to provide students with relevant, career-connected learning opportunities that prepare them for future success. By integrating work-based learning, internships, and community projects, Colorado is fostering a learning ecosystem where students can earn credentials and develop skills directly applicable to the workforce. Organizations like ReSchool Colorado, Jeffco Open School, and Colorado Succeeds are at the forefront, partnering with local businesses and communities to expand access to education beyond the classroom walls. This approach not only enhances student engagement but also builds a robust talent pipeline for the state’s economy. However, overcoming legacy systems and ensuring equitable access remain significant challenges. Colorado’s efforts exemplify how states can innovate to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving educational landscape.


Introduction to Unbundled Learning

Nate McClennen: Hello, everyone. You’re listening to the Getting Smart podcast, and I am Nate McClennen. If you’re a Getting Smart follower, you’ve seen a lot of writing and podcasting about unbundled learning. We know that learning happens everywhere. Every time a human is out in the world, they’re learning something.

They’re learning all the time, in many different places, in many different ways, and they’re learning within these expanded learning ecosystems that are outside of what we typically think of as schools. Unbundled learning allows for permeable walls between the school or learning organization and the outside world.

In addition, this kind of learning can count towards credentialing, certificates, degrees, or diplomas.

The problem is that we have limiting structures from legacy systems. Things like Carnegie credit, seat time, course requirements, and transportation often get in the way of allowing learners to access expanded learning ecosystems through unbundled learning.

The good news is that the world is changing to enable this unbundling. First, most students want real-world learning. Surveys show that most students prefer engaging in activities that are relevant and helpful for their futures. The problem is that most students don’t have access to these experiences.

Secondly, employers are not seeing new employees—whether they’re graduating from high school or college—arrive with the technical and durable skills they need. These two challenges are converging. Students want more experiences that are unbundled, and employers need them to develop the skills that such experiences provide.

As a result, across the landscape, we’re seeing an increased focus on work-based learning, real-world learning through internships, apprenticeships, service, entrepreneurship, client-connected projects, and many other types of experiences that get students out into the real world and prepared for their future.

When relevance and engagement increase, we see a higher probability of successful employment and better academic outcomes. Ultimately, when we provide more opportunities for real-world, career-connected learning and associated credentials through these unbundled processes, young people have a better chance of success. At the same time, employers benefit from a stronger talent pipeline. Both goals are achieved.

This podcast is the first of three episodes where we dive into states that have gone above and beyond to make the vision of every learner achieving a family-sustaining wage and every employer having a highly skilled workforce a reality.

Today, we’re starting with Colorado, a leader in this space. I’m lucky to be joined by an amazing group from Colorado: Amy Anderson, Executive Director of ReSchool Colorado; Melyssa Dominquez, Principal of Jeffco Open School; and Shannon Nicholas, Senior VP of Policy and Advocacy for Colorado Succeeds.

Each of these organizations is working on unbundling learning in different ways. I’m excited to have you all here today. Welcome!

Amy Anderson: Thanks, Nate. It’s good to be here.

Nate McClennen: All right, let’s start with my favorite question, and this has to be a Twitter version because we have three of you and a lot to cover. What was the most impactful learning experience in K-12 that happened outside of the school environment? This is your unbundled opportunity—your chance to reflect on a high-engagement, high-learning experience.

Personal Stories of Impactful Learning

Amy Anderson: My most impactful learning experience in K-12 was being part of a youth group called B’nai B’rith, a Jewish youth group. Growing up in a predominantly Protestant and Catholic suburb of Chicago, I was often the “other.” I didn’t always feel a sense of belonging in my school.

This youth group gave me a space where I could be a leader. I became the leader of our chapter, which allowed me to travel, gain self-confidence, and build independence. I also learned to advocate for causes I believed in, fostering my passion for social justice. This experience shaped my identity and eventually led me to pursue a degree in policy and social justice.

Nate McClennen: Outstanding. That sounds like a portrait of a graduate from most high schools—all from an out-of-school experience. Shannon, what about you?

Shannon Nicholas: Mine was an after-school club. I was part of the high school newspaper, and it was one of my first exposures to being treated like an adult. We could define the stories we covered, and our advisor empowered us to question authority, investigate the school budget, and ask big questions.

It fueled my passion for storytelling and connected my strengths in writing with potential career paths.

Nate McClennen: Awesome. Melyssa, your turn.

Melyssa Dominquez: My story goes back to when I didn’t attend kindergarten in a traditional building. In 1970, my mom decided I’d be part of a neighbor-led homeschool, which we called the “Batman School.” Joan, the neighbor, taught me to read by letting me write stories about my dog, Jojo.

This early experience shaped my understanding of what school could be. I grew up knowing that learning didn’t have to happen in a building. It was impactful and planted the seeds for how I view education today.

Nate McClennen: I love it. Why was it called the “Batman School”?

Melyssa Dominquez: Joan’s husband, Billy Batman, loved bats. So we named it after him. It was 1970 in San Francisco—things were a little quirky back then!

Nate McClennen: That’s great. Thank you all for sharing those unbundled learning experiences.

Organizational Efforts and Programs

Nate McClennen: So now let’s flip back to the present, and all of you are working in organizations, three different organizations that are trying to solve and work towards a particular goal or solve a particular challenge. And so in just a couple sentences.

What is your organization? And what are the challenges you’re trying to solve? Amy, I’m going to start with you on this one, and then we’ll go to Shannon and then Melissa.

Amy Anderson: So my organization is ReSchool. We are based in Colorado. Our focus is on ensuring kids have equitable access to learning that happens everywhere. And the way that we got to this mission was actually by shadowing families. Back in 2014 and 2015 to understand the context within which kids were accessing learning opportunities and how they and their families were navigating those learning opportunities, whether they be in school, out of school, who are their caregivers that were with them in between and so forth.

And there were three main things that themes that came out of that initial experience that have remained true today. And that’s the anchor piece of what we do. One is that kids spend 80 percent of their waking hours outside of school and 20 percent inside of school. And that the communities within which we were partnering did not have the same access to some of the experiences happening outside of school.

Now they had a rich array of experiences that they were accessing as a family within their community that were very meaningful. But when it came to things like learning how to swim or needing a tutor or some adaptive devices if they were having issues with dyslexia or so forth. That kind of a situation was out of reach for them.

And so we have worked with people to raise money to fund those experiences. That’s called learning dollars. So if families need access to resources to access opportunities, they have them through our funds to if they need support navigating the system, which was another thing that came up. We have learner advocates that either are, have been employed by our team or out in the community that can support people to access and navigate opportunities and system barriers.

And then the third thing we’ve done is just try to illuminate what does this learning ecosystem look like? Who are the providers? Where are the ways that people can access information? And how do we make that more accessible to more people?

Nate McClennen: Awesome. Yeah. And for those of you who are listening, if you go to the resources we’ll put in the show notes ReSchool has a really amazing resource list. Amy, what’s that called? Do you have a name for it? The learning map or something like that?

Amy Anderson: We have Discover Learning. It’s a tool that you can search for learning opportunities in mostly the Denver metro area for your kids.

Nate McClennen: Perfect. So check that out afterwards. So Shannon.

Shannon Nicholas: Yeah. So my organization is Colorado Succeeds. And we believe that all Colorado learners need to get educated to their greatest potential so that all of Colorado’s businesses have the talented and innovative workforce they need to thrive. So importantly, it’s a dual mission learners first. And we really believe in the potential of our young people in our state but we work with the business community.

And so we know that there’s an economic imperative that good schools means good jobs. And so we try to really connect business community partners to understanding what their role is to play. And I think there’s a moral imperative for them to be involved because we want to make sure that the kids who grow up here have access to the jobs here.

We know that almost 90 percent of jobs in Colorado are going to require some form of post-secondary access, whether that’s an industry certification credential, a two year or a four year degree. And yet we have about less than 30 percent of high school graduates in Colorado after six years having those credentials or certifications.

So there’s a huge gap in what our current system is producing, and there’s a lot of opportunity for partnership in order to make that a better connection. And we’ve been working a lot over the last decade on how to expand those opportunities earlier so that young people know about the opportunities that they have here in Colorado.

As we become a more globally competitive world. How do they access opportunities even outside of our state? And we think a lot about what does it look like to connect learners through that pathway so that they’re not just thinking about graduating high school, but they have really good knowledge about what they want to do after high school.

And I think more and more we’re seeing that there’s a lot of really good work happening, but it’s not happening at scale. And so Colorado Succeeds thinks about what are the systemic approaches to this solution? What are the policy levers? And what are the philanthropic and state resources that we can bring to this work? And that’s been our focus in galvanizing business as being a supporter.

Nate McClennen: Great. So let’s go directly into a school. So Melissa, how do you address this particular challenge? What’s that? What were you trying to solve for? Jeffco Open School.

Melyssa Dominquez: Yeah, it’s really interesting to think about this from the school perspective, this question. So the Jefferson County, my organization is the Jefferson County Open School. This is a option school within Jefferson County School District, R-1. School has been around since 1970 as a K-9 and then added 10 through 12 in 1975, and then came together those two schools at the location we currently have in 1989 and have been here ever since.

And the problems we’re trying to solve is we’re trying to provide for our small community of students who graduate about 42 to 50 students each year provide them with an education that gives them the opportunity to rediscover the joy of learning. Our goals are rediscover the joy of learning, adapt to the world as it is, prepare for the world that might be, create the world that ought to be.

So these are the goals that we’re trying to make real for our kids. And it’s interesting to think about unbundled learning, which is this idea, that students can have access to not just the school building, but all kinds of other resources. And I think in a microcosm, we try to do that for our kids, like create the opportunity for them to participate in all kinds of different experiences.

But coming from this place of the school I think that one of the problems we face is to claim legitimacy that we absolutely do believe that these learning, all the learning experiences that kids are having matter. And we imagine sort of a grid of in school learning and out of school learning and then planned and unplanned.

You can have an in school unplanned or an out of school unplanned or an out of school planned kind of experience and so we really value all different kinds of learning for our students I think that when I think about what we’re trying to do. We also welcome in visitors into our school. Today, we hosted 20 visitors from Massachusetts—educators coming out to see what’s possible. We very much want to share what we do, the resources we have, and the experiences we’ve created. We aim to show the ways we’re doing things differently with students in hopes of spreading the idea that learning doesn’t have to be isolated to what happens inside school walls. In fact, it actually isn’t—learning happens everywhere.

Nate McClennen: That’s great. I want to give each of you an opportunity to provide a deep dive into one program that you think is particularly effective. I know all three of your organizations are doing a lot to unbundle learning, so you could talk for hours about all of it. But think about one example, one particular program that really exemplifies unbundling. Melyssa, we’ll go in reverse order this time, starting with you.

Melyssa Dominquez: I think, by far, one of the most powerful things our kids get to participate in is a very robust travel program, which takes them outside our walls. For instance, right now, we have a group of 24 students exploring Kyoto, Japan. We also recently had kids return from an immersive experience in Oaxaca, Mexico, where they participated in homestays, went to a language school every day, and had a cultural experience around Dia de los Muertos.

These are just a couple of examples of the types of experiences available to our students. Each year, there are 15 to 20 trips or immersive programs like these. The travel program serves as a means for students to explore and make sense of the world. We know some of their most valuable learning happens outside the classroom and often occurs when they’re pushed outside their comfort zones.

Nate McClennen: Right. I remember visiting your school and hearing about the variety of things your students do, like internships and partnerships with local organizations. But the power of having such a robust travel program in a public school is really amazing. Thanks for sharing that. Shannon, what about you?

Shannon Nicholas: One project we’ve been working on that launched in 2019 is the Homegrown Talent Initiative. It’s a partnership of eight rural school districts and their communities. These districts created profiles of a graduate and identified what career-connected learning looks like, aligned to those profiles.

The project recognizes that many of the skills and competencies students need won’t come from classroom experiences alone. So, they partner with civic and business communities to expand internships, apprenticeships, and other work-based learning opportunities.

What I love most about this project is that it launched in 2019—just before the disruptions of 2020. When COVID hit, we expected this work to take a backseat. Instead, many communities doubled down, saying, “We have a vision now of what high school means. We have community partners, and we have opportunities to get our students real-world experience.”

These communities leveraged the resources they had and expanded the initiative post-COVID. Another thing I love is that this project highlights rural Colorado. Often, we think career-connected learning happens only in metro areas with abundant resources. But rural communities are so innovative and have an asset-based mindset. They’ve found incredible ways to provide students with opportunities despite limited resources.

Lastly, the Homegrown Talent Initiative has become a conversation around economic mobility and development in these communities. Rural Colorado relies on industries that may or may not be sustainable in the coming years. This initiative has sparked conversations about the future economy and ensuring young people return to their communities with thriving opportunities.

Nate McClennen: That’s great. I’ve worked in rural areas too, and I’ve noticed that density of experience—where people wear multiple hats—is a significant asset. Thanks for sharing that. Amy, what about you at ReSchool?

Amy Anderson: I’ll talk less about a specific program and more about our process. We don’t refer to our work as unbundling; we call it bundling. What we’ve learned is that most families still want a home base, typically their school. That’s where they anchor their community and many learning experiences. But they also bundle additional learning on top of that foundation.

For example, the idea of learner advocates and learning dollars came from co-designing solutions with families in the Boulder Housing Authority. Parents identified barriers to accessing opportunities like swim lessons or tutoring, and together we created concepts to address those needs.

Since then, we’ve worked in hospitals as an employee benefit, providing parents with access to learner advocates and learning dollars. We found that families wanted ways to engage in low-risk opportunities, so we co-designed new concepts like “Picapass,” brokering annual memberships to cultural institutions and state parks. This helps families engage in ways they hadn’t before, enriching both their lives and the diversity of those institutions.

Our vision is to build regional learning ecosystems across the state. We’re advocating for public investments, employer contributions, and philanthropy to create sustainable opportunities for all kids in Colorado.

Nate McClennen: I appreciate how you articulate and define these ecosystems in partnership with the communities you serve. The term “bundling” is also insightful because it better reflects the reality of what families do.

Amy Anderson: Thank you. That’s the reality—we’re not just unbundling, but helping families bundle resources together in a way that meets their unique needs.

Nate McClennen: Amy, you also mentioned learning dollars and the Picapass program. But there’s another initiative called MySpark. Do you see programs like this continuing to grow in Colorado?

Amy Anderson: I would like to say yes, but I honestly don’t know. MySpark was created when Denver’s mayor, after working with a foundation in town, brought the concept to the city. The program provided a one-year pilot with $5 million to offer $1,000 learning accounts for Denver Public Schools middle school students who qualified for free and reduced lunch.

The program holds incredible promise. Kids have engaged with it, using their MySpark accounts to access learning opportunities. But, as with many pilot programs, it’s vulnerable to political shifts. The mayor who championed this initiative has since shifted his focus to other priorities, leaving the future of the program uncertain.

The challenge with these initiatives is sustainability. Programs tied to specific political figures or short-term funding often don’t last long enough to prove their impact. That’s why we’re advocating for broader systemic changes, like Path Forward, a program Shannon can speak to.

Nate McClennen: Perfect segue. Shannon, can you explain how Path Forward works and how it differs from MySpark?

Shannon Nicholas: Absolutely. Path Forward is a piece of legislation we worked on a few years ago. It’s a four-year pilot designed to incentivize early high school graduation. The idea is that some students are ready to move on but stay in the system because that’s where the funding is.

Through Path Forward, districts still receive a portion of the per-pupil revenue for early graduates, but a chunk of that money is directed to the student. They can use it for coursework, workforce programs, or other learning opportunities during what would have been their senior year of high school.

The key difference from MySpark is that the funds don’t go directly to students or families; instead, they go to the program providers the students choose. While this approach ensures accountability, it also creates challenges. For instance, students often need support for things like transportation or childcare—costs that aren’t covered by these funds.

We’ve also learned that many students lack awareness of their options. They know about traditional two- or four-year college pathways, but they’re less familiar with apprenticeships, credentials, or workforce programs. This pilot is teaching us how to better inform students and families about the full spectrum of opportunities available to them.

The program is now in its final year, and we’re reflecting on how it can evolve to better meet students’ needs.

Future Directions and Final Thoughts

Nate McClennen: Really interesting. Amy and Shannon just described programs aimed at expanding opportunities for students. Melissa, are you able to take advantage of programs like these at Jeffco Open School? What challenges do you face when trying to connect students to the broader learning ecosystem?

Melyssa Dominquez: It’s interesting hearing about these programs because, honestly, I wasn’t familiar with all of them. Running a school is such a full-time job that it’s easy to get caught up in our own world and forget there are resources out there.

We do try to connect kids with as many opportunities as we can. For example, we work with district programs that support students with learning disabilities or help them gain employment. We also encourage participation in college-level classes, online courses, and scholarship programs that fund a fifth year of education at a community college.

But there are definitely challenges. Connecting students to internships, job shadows, or similar opportunities often requires a lot of individual legwork from both staff and students. It would be great if there were a centralized clearinghouse where vetted opportunities could be easily accessed.

Paid internships would also make a huge difference for our students, many of whom are managing personal financial challenges. A program that provides both the opportunity and financial support would open so many doors for them.

Melyssa Dominquez: So, yes, we’re connecting with some district programs and resources, but there’s always more we could be doing. I’d love to see a more organized system that makes it easier to connect students with opportunities, especially those that provide financial support.

Amy Anderson: What you’re describing, Melyssa, reminds me of a residency I participated in a couple of years ago called The Iterative Space. It was run by a local program called Embark. We brought together people working in education from different areas—schools, nonprofits, and other sectors.

There was this recurring conversation about ecosystems. Some people from out of town said, “We need to invent these ecosystems.” And many of us who were local said, “We’re already living them.” The problem is how to visualize and share them.

So Embark, along with another organization called Moonshot, spent the last year surveying and interviewing people across the community who are providing out-of-school learning experiences. The goal is to create a tool that maps the learning ecosystem.

Early next year, we’ll be releasing the Denver Learning Ecosystem site. It’s not geared toward families like our Discover Learning tool but is designed for schools, funders, system leaders, and providers. The tool will show geographically where different organizations and programs are located, overlaid with census data about income, race, and ethnicity.

It will also detail program focus areas, services provided, and how they align with the needs of different communities. This is a way to visualize the ecosystem and help connect the dots. We’re starting in Denver but expanding to Adams County and Jeffco.

Nate McClennen: That’s exciting. One of the most common challenges I hear is the difficulty of knowing what’s available. Connecting these dots, not just for learners but also for the adults supporting them, is so important.

This reminds me of the urgency vs. importance matrix. Educators, especially school leaders like Melyssa, are often operating in the “urgent and important” quadrant. Meanwhile, intermediaries like Colorado Succeeds and ReSchool work in the “important but not urgent” quadrant. Bridging these two perspectives is crucial.

All right, let’s move toward closing. I want to hear from each of you: What’s your biggest hope for this work? And what’s the biggest barrier you face? Shannon, let’s start with you.

Shannon Nicholas: My biggest hope is that technology and the pace of change continue to empower learners in ways that force the system to adapt. Young people are already defining how and what they want to learn. The challenge is how quickly schools and systems can catch up, validate that learning, and give students credit for it.

I think we’re at an incredible moment where learning can happen anywhere, and schools that embrace this will see their students thrive. But my biggest concern is the inertia of existing systems. After COVID, I was optimistic that schools would seize the opportunity to rethink their structures. Yet, many high schools I visit today still look the same as they did 20 years ago.

Another concern is equity. While we have bright spots across Colorado, we’re still leaving too many students behind. Ensuring that every learner, regardless of their background, has access to these opportunities is a challenge we must address.

Nate McClennen: Great points, Shannon. Melissa, what about you?

Melyssa Dominquez: The biggest barrier for us is the push and pull of being an option school within a district system. While Jeffco has supported us for over 50 years, there’s always a tension between maintaining our unique approach and conforming to more traditional models.

My hope is that education continues to move in the direction of trusting learners and educators. Creativity, flexibility, and even a little messiness are necessary for meaningful learning. I want a world that values the beauty of learning experiences that don’t fit into a standardized mold.

Nate McClennen: I love that. Jeffco Open School is such a great example of what’s possible. For listeners, if you’re in the area, I highly recommend visiting. Amy, close us out—what’s your biggest hope and biggest barrier?

Amy Anderson: My biggest hope is that we co-design learning ecosystems in true partnership with communities. Sustained investment is key—not just trying something for a year and moving on. If we truly believe learning happens everywhere, we need to fund and support those broader ecosystems alongside schools.

The biggest barrier, as I see it, is sustainability. Our systems are still designed around schools and institutions, which is where most of the funding goes. Expanding the ecosystem requires a shift in how we think about education and how we allocate resources.

Nate McClennen: Great insights. Let me wrap up by sharing some takeaways from today’s conversation:

  1. Unbundling is happening. It’s happening across the country, but Colorado is leading the way with policies, processes, and organizations facilitating it.
  2. Bundling is the reality. Learning is already unbundled; the challenge is helping families and students bundle resources together effectively.
  3. Co-design is critical. We can’t design systems for communities without involving them in the process.
  4. Access matters. Every student deserves equitable access to expanded learning ecosystems.
  5. Social capital is a moral imperative. Building connections and opportunities for all students is not just an educational challenge—it’s a moral one.

Thank you, Shannon, Melissa, and Amy, for sharing your insights and the incredible work you’re doing. I encourage listeners to dive deeper into the resources we’ll link in the show notes. Thanks again for joining us!

Shannon Nicholas

Shannon Nicholas is Chief of Staff at Colorado Succeeds where she works closely with the President and the Board of Directors on leading the strategic priorities of the organization. In her role, she oversees the communications, advocacy, and program implementation teams. She considers herself lucky to be air traffic controller, cheerleader, and trail guide for Colorado Succeeds. Most days, she just gets to work with really smart people. Shannon is passionate about educational equity and advancing opportunities for all young people in Colorado to experience an education that helps them unlock and live out their potential.

Prior to Colorado Succeeds, Shannon worked at the US Department of Education on federal policy and program implementation. She’s worked in the private sector in public affairs and public relations in Los Angeles and Washington, DC. She began her career as a Teach For America corps member teaching high school in Las Vegas.

Shannon has a master’s degree in Secondary Education from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, a master’s degree in Strategic Communication from the University of Southern California, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Davis.

Amy Anderson

Amy Anderson co-founded ReSchool Colorado in 2013 and became the Executive Director in 2018. Her life’s work has been to ensure that our systems of learning offer options that are responsive to the interests and needs of the families they serve, with a particular focus on families who face greater barriers to accessing opportunities. 

As a Partner at the DK Foundation, Amy co-founded ReSchool before spinning it off in 2018. Before that, Amy served as Associate Commissioner at the Colorado Department of Education, leading the Division of Innovation, Choice, and Engagement where she was instrumental in creating a statewide vision for personalized learning and expanded learning opportunities.

Earlier in her career, Amy led groundbreaking work in a variety of education-focused organizations, including online and blended learning initiatives at the DK Foundation, state and national education policy and school finance projects with APA Consulting, new school development for the Colorado League of Charter Schools, and working with educators to launch the nation’s first charter schools in the early ‘90s at Designs for Learning in St. Paul, MN.

Amy has served on numerous education and nonprofit boards at the state and national levels throughout her career. She currently serves as Chair Emeritus of the Aurora Institute’s Board of Directors.

Amy holds a Ph.D. and M.Ed. from the University of Colorado and a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin.

Melyssa Dominguez

Melyssa Dominguez first visited the Open School with her two children in the spring of 2009 and has been captivated by this remarkable school and its thriving, vibrant community ever since. She has long believed that the most meaningful educational conversations—those she is most passionate about—are happening at the Open School.

Throughout her time at Open School, she has seen the school from multiple perspectives: as a parent, teacher/advisor, assistant principal, and principal. Over the years, she has had the privilege of traveling with Open School students both close to home and far afield—sleeping in countless tents, on church sanctuary floors, on the moss of the Boundary Waters, and even once on top of a pile of luggage in a bus bound for Washington, D.C. She has witnessed the dedication of Open School advisors and staff as they cultivate deep relationships with students, curate enriching classroom and travel experiences, and work tirelessly to inspire students to think critically and take agency in their own lives.

A few years ago, Open School celebrated 50 years as an Option in Jeffco. With vision, humility, and compassion, Melyssa is committed to ensuring that the school continues to inspire students to create the world that ought to be—well into and beyond its 100th year.

The Open School is a remarkable place filled with brilliant people, and Melyssa is honored to contribute to the growth and success of this exceptional community.

Resources from ReSchool Colorado

  • Design Lab – resource to support people who want to co-design and co-create with communities that also includes sound clips sharing how ReSchool has used these resources and what it resulted in overtime
  • REVOLVE – interactive game designed to build empathy for young adults navigating learning and life and to access and map resources, skills and experiences gained across a variety of settings within a competency-based learning framework. 
  • DISCOVER Learning – search-based tool to find out-of-school learning providers aligned with a family’s/child’s interests, age, needs
  • Family Choice Journal – family-facing resource to guide parents in making decisions with their children about schools and out-of-school experiences 

Resources from Colorado Succeeds

Nate McClennen

Nate McClennen is the Vice President of Strategy & Innovation at Getting Smart. Previously, Nate served as Head of Innovation at the Teton Science Schools, a nationally-renowned leader in place-based education, and is a member of the Board of Directors for the Rural Schools Collaborative. He is also the co-author of the Power of Place.

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