Joseph South on Purpose-Driven Expertise
Key Points
Purpose-based expertise means that it must be meaningful to the self and of consequence to the world.
We need to ask if we’re pushing things at young people or letting them pull the information towards them.

This episode of the Getting Smart Podcast is sponsored by Getting Smart Serivces.
On this episode of the Getting Smart Podcast Tom Vander Ark is joined by Joseph South (@southjoseph), Chief Learning Officer at ISTE.
Joseph formerly served as the Director of the Office of Educational Technology at the U.S. Department of Education.
Let’s listen in as Tom and Joseph discuss the importance of expertise and providing students with the chance to do work that matters to them and their community.
By connecting purpose and expertise, schools become meaningful, connected, engaging, and relevant.
Joseph South
1 person who influenced your thinking
- Bill Damon, Stanford Center on Adolescence
- Heather Malin, Teaching for Purpose
2 insights from your work for edleaders
- School should be skill sprints and community connected projects.
- Learning experiences must be co-authored with advisors, students and mentors.
1 additional insight
- Students and schools must be open to a wide breadth of advisors and mentors.
Where to go for more?
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