Equity & Access

Supporting Statewide Change Through Microgrants to Families

[…] our vision, it would also expand access to programming that is learner-centered. This means that it would elevate and expand access to learning that is personalized, authentic, competency-based, and open-walled.  To achieve this, a statewide microgrant system would have to function at three levels. First, it would need to include a platform accessible to […]

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Future of Learning

Supporting Statewide Change Through Virtual Course Access Models

[…] and systems can move forward with this priority.  Along the way, you are sure to find areas to update. A future-ready student information system has options for competency-based grading, communicating with students, and viewing progress in relation to your definition of success. Operationalizing this strategy The above points seek to clarify the vision for […]

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Redefining Pre-Service Learning In The Virtual Age

[…] board and teachers respond in unusually exceptional ways.” This is all part of the district’s new Val Verde TREK (Teaching Reaching Engaging Kids) Professional Learning Initiative, which is competency-based and rooted in adult learning theory, according to McCormick. “We are challenging our teachers to experience a whole new level of learning that is gamified, personalized, […]

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Future of Learning

Harmonizing with Microcredentials: 7 Steps to Reimagining Your School’s Professional Learning

[…] Learning Experience Meet the Culture Hackers: Microcredentials Aren’t Just for Students This post is part five of a five blog series in the upcoming “Getting Smart on Competency-Based Career Advancement at Harmony Public Schools” produced in partnership with Harmony Public Schools (@HarmonyEdu).  Stay in-the-know with innovations in learning by signing up for the weekly Smart […]

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Future of Learning

Digital Credentials: A Better Way to Capture and Communicate Learning

[…] the data is machine-readable and interoperable, it offers the learner portability across institutions and employers. Better Translation. To promote consistent skill definitions and system interoperability, the giant competency-based nonprofit university WGU organized the Open Skills Network. Launched in September, OSN already has four dozen corporate and university partners. It promotes a more equitable, skills-driven labor market […]

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Future of Learning

Why Learner-Centered Education is the Key to Meaningful School Improvement

[…] may include specific methodologies for differentiating support (e.g. RtI or PBIS), but it is more likely to extend and/or replace them. Because a learner-centered system typically has a competency-based progression (as compared to seat time and lock-step progression), individual goal-setting elements, and a heavy emphasis on student agency, it is more flexible and aggressive in […]

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Personalized Learning

Strategies and Considerations When Designing for Summer Learning

[…] challenged. How can you make sure students are getting to connect with adults and peers and that their social, emotional, and academic needs are addressed? 2. Use competency-based assessment to understand what students can do Students may have received Fs or not attended a class, or missed instruction but that doesn’t necessarily mean they […]

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Learning Design

What I Missed (Or Even Got Wrong)

A middle school in Santa Fe invited 120 students who were not thriving in remote learning back into school and volunteers served as tutors and coaches.

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Ed Policy

It’s Time To Reimagine the K-12 Content Map

[…] map has a very utilitarian value and also speaks to our personal commitments. Inside of reDesign, we’ll use the new K-12 content map to develop inclusive, antiracist, competency-based curriculum that learners in our lab school, to be launched in 2022/2023, will be able to explore. Out in the world, our hope is that the new […]

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