
Supporting District Change Through Learner-Centered Leadership

[…] retreat back to traditional assessment techniques. In this new vision for student success, new approaches are required. Focus efforts on making learning visible. This will happen through competency-based assessment, multimedia evidence, portfolios, and demonstrations of learning. These forms of assessment are more aligned to the unique conditions we are experiencing today. But that doesn’t […]

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Future of Learning

15 Invention Opportunities in Learning

[…] learning science to craft engaging and effective learning sequences. Credentialing capabilities: how to credential demonstrated skills (especially success skills that are context-dependent) to reduce friction in talent transactions. Competency-based progressions: combining individual progress with effective use of cohorts and teams (and what that means for scheduling students and staff). Personalized talent development: portable system of […]

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Equity & Access

Pandemic Opportunity: Rethink Education Accountability

[…] stark, said Wagner, “We can focus classrooms on what’s easy to measure, or on what’s important to learn. But we can’t do both well.” He suggests a competency-based system that invites redesign on two fundamental dimensions, “Do we want their learning to be shallow or deep? And do we want their primary focus to […]

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Competency-Based Education

School Isn’t About Classes, It’s About Learning

[…] the industrial revolution. We need a new vision. We need a new starting place. For more, see: From Pandemic to Possibility: Now is the Time to Consider Competency-Based Education Shining the Competency Education Light on Education in the Time of COVID-19 Where Lifelong Skills and Curriculum Mee Garrett Smiley is CEO and co-founder of […]

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A Podpourri of Learning Options: Pods, Hubs, and Microschools in the Wake of the Pandemic

[…] Providers of virtual courses and units of study saw massive growth during the pandemic. Examples include MyTechHigh, which serves homeschooled students in six states with flexible virtual competency-based units of study and Outschool which offers thousand of online interactive units paid for by parents, employers or schools (see podcast). VLACS supports learner-driven competency-based units of […]

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New Pathways

Eyes on The Horizon: Where Industry and Education Meet

[…] a degree, what signals of quality will ensure that future employees are workforce ready? Digital credentials and learner records capture accelerated skill development with project-based, work-based and competency-based learning. Join panelists to learn what each sector is contributing to the future of education and workforce development. Join panelists as we discuss the future of […]

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Organizing a Modern Edtech Stack for Modern Pedagogy, Part I: The SIS

[…] intending to stay relevant and help advance the profession towards best practices should offer support for more granular and specific feedback like we see in mastery- or competency-based approaches. Does your SIS offer a standards-based grading system? How does it align with that in your LMS? Are the two compatible when uploading banks of […]

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Future of Learning

School Sustainability Is About More Than Just Keeping the Doors Open

[…] what we care about at XQ is the creation of meaningful and equitable student learning experiences. This entails learning models and systems (such as those that are competency-based and/or personalized), how student growth and achievement are monitored and supported, and what students achieve both during and after their school experience. Each of these requires […]

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Difference Making

The Content Every High School Student Should Learn (But Doesn’t)

[…] more complex and unpredictable, new consideration should be given to the required core content.  We talk a lot about the most innovative learner-centered schools that combine personalized, competency-based and project-based learning co-designed around real-world experiences. Here, content emerges from student interest in high-purpose topics while also linking to standards or competencies. These learning environments […]

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Future of Learning

New Standards of Quality: Minerva Baccalaureate and Debt Free College

[…] second class of world changers, it’s safe to say that Nelson achieved his goal of creating the best university at a super low cost and featuring need-blind competency-based admissions. Last April, Minerva offered its Forum platform to other educational institutions. In that announcement, Nelson said, “Our intention has been to enable other institutions to […]

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