Equity & Access

What Families Need to Know About Critical Race Theory in Schools

[…] future (and ours) depends on it. This article is a remix of Breanna Reynold’s 2017 article, “What Parents Need to Know About Project-Based Learning” published on Getting Smart. Breanna Reynold has no affiliation with this piece. For more, see: A District’s Grappling With Anti-Racism: The Kearney School District Story 4 Ways to Develop Anti-Racism […]

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Digital Promise Elements of Success

[…] and prepared with the skills they need for post-secondary school, work, and life. For more, see: Getting Clearer: Student Access The New Role of School Tech Leaders in Social-Emotional Health Jean-Claude Brizard (@BrizardJC) is the President and CEO at Digital Promise. Stay in-the-know with innovations in learning by signing up for the weekly Smart Update.

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A Podpourri of Learning Options: Pods, Hubs, and Microschools in the Wake of the Pandemic

[…] unlock opportunity. Pods are an example of how, facing an education crisis, thousands of families rebundled innovative learning experiences. This post is a part of the Getting Smart Rebundling Education campaign. This campaign will explore the future of credentialing, how to define and credential skills, why it’s critical to credential experiences and a new vision for […]

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New Pathways

School Districts and Charter Authorizers Need Innovation Pathways 

[…] getting used that confusing 4IR), a hypperconnected complex world of human-machine interaction, work is increasingly the art of framing and attacking new problems in diverse teams using smart tools.   The changing nature of human enterprise (and citizenship) suggests that we need new learning goals, new learning experiences, and new ways to communicate capability. […]

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Learning Design

Small Schools, Big Umbrella: Expanding, Defining and Scaling the Microschool Ecosystem

[…] on how we are mapping the microschools ecosystem. Please share any thoughts using the form below. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Name First Last Email * Organization * Feedback In this field, please add comments like “I would consider changing, adding or including…” Submit Loading 124881 Search Results smart parents https://www.gettingsmart.com/page/5/?s=smart+parents&x=0&y=0

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The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and the Implications for School Districts

[…] with AI as co-workers, co-teachers, and coaches. He assesses its profound impact on business and education and shows what it means to think and work together with smart machines, and why it’s imperative that we master that skill.  The leading model, now awkwardly called ChatGPT-4o, got better, faster, and cheaper last week. Everyone is […]

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SEL & Mindset

Gregg Behr & Ryan Rydzewski on When You Wonder, You’re Learning

On today's episode of the Getting Smart Podcast, we’re talking with Gregg Behr & Ryan Rydzewski about their new book When You Wonder, You’re Learning: Mr Roger’s Enduring Lessons for Raising Creative, Curious, Caring Kids.

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Difference Making

Recap: A Fireside Chat About Returning to School With a Whole-Child Approach

Getting Smart and Turnaround for Children chat with two district leaders to hear how they’re planning to return to school with an equity-focused whole child approach. Science of learning expert, Dr. Pamela Cantor, also shares design principles and other considerations when designing for the whole child.

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Personalized Learning

In Memory of Dr. Roger Weissberg (Podcast Repost)

[…] recent changes to federal legislation, there is growing national interest in educating the whole child. Tom recently had a chance to chat with Weissberg on the Getting Smart Podcast about all things SEL: Teaching SEL CASEL defines SEL as five competency clusters: Self-awareness: The ability to accurately recognize one’s emotions and thoughts and their influence […]

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