Personalized Learning

Stop, Look, and Listen: Kilo

By: Jonathon Medeiros “The most basic lesson that all art teaches us is to stop, look, and listen to life on this planet, including our own lives…” – Frederick Buechner As the pandemic stretches into its third year, I wonder when we will stop thinking in terms of “when this is over.” I wonder […]

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Let’s Use ChatGPT to ‘Think Different’ About K-12 Schools

[…] how to use it to plan lessons, assess student work, and compose messages to parents. New York State Master Teacher Mary Howard, author of Streamlining Your Teacher Life with AI, says, “As an educator, one thing that I can assert with respect to this new wave of artificial intelligence tools is that we need […]

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Difference Making

Students Are Still Telling the Stories

[…] I’ve gotten used to it and now I don’t feel nervous about doing all of that now” Real-world Opportunities in the Classroom Students have participated in real- life reporting and on-camera experiences that included creating commercials for a local business, supporting supply procurement for building a recording stage and interviewing school faculty members students […]

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Resilience: The Skill That Keeps Teaching and Learning Thriving at Pasadena ISD

[…] always our students. Through Summit Learning, we are confident our students are receiving the well-rounded education and mentoring that helps meet their needs and prepare them for life beyond the classroom. At Jackson Intermediate School in Pasadena, Texas, Principal Jennifer Stewart has made mentoring and goal-setting the primary focus of this year. During the […]

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Personalized Learning

Bringing Project-Based Mentors into The Educational Fold

[…] Mentoring Builds Character and Competency Project Based Mentoring occurs when a mentor and mentee collaborate on a real-world project. And that collaboration lends itself to six important life lessons that embody the mentor/mentee bond. One of the most important personality traits a mentor brings to the relationship is “if I did it – if I […]

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Equity & Access

Our Boyz Still Have Dreams

To celebrate Black History Month, Antonio Boyd shares the stories of two young men, their life struggles and success, and how support and role models makes all the difference.

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Future of Learning

Election 2020: Engaging Future Voters

[…] of women’s suffrage presents an opportune moment to highlight the courageous battles waged to change voter laws. And civil rights heroes like John Lewis, who spent his life fighting to expand the right to vote, can serve as great models for the power of collective action to make change. Older students are ready to […]

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Competency-Based Education

Support STEM Education Through Student-Centered Challenges

[…] understanding of STEM by solving puzzles, designing solutions to novel problems, and creating new inventions. TCEA provides a helpful guide for infusing PBL into STEM projects. These real- life examples are helpful for understanding where design thinking fits into the K-12 classroom. As educators, it’s important that we’re available to support and guide – but students […]

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