Competency-Based Education

From Classroom to Career: Mastering Real-World Competencies through Alternative Learning

[…] purposeful exit interview presents students with an opportunity to uniquely express their learning progress to mentors, fostering valuable feedback and guidance for what lies ahead. Strategy 2: Competency-Based Learning Shifting to competency-based learning is another approach that prioritizes the mastery of skills over the completion of predetermined coursework. For example, educators can utilize levels […]

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From Last Chance to First Choice: Alternative Schools That Show the Way Forward

[…] six-week bursts of interest-based learning often connected to one of 100 community partners. Students set goals in about four success skills during each burst. Teachers in this competency-based school help students to document their growth weekly. Whole child approaches prioritize counseling and guidance and often feature restorative and mindfulness practices embedded within an advisory […]

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Future of Learning

Five Building Blocks in the New Architecture of High Schools

[…] to be passed, teams leading innovative high schools ask, “What’s the best way to develop and demonstrate important competencies?” Schools personalizing learning and moving to mastery or competency-based learning models often use five linked learner experience systems to promote growth on learning goals: skill-building, projects, immersion, advisory, and out-of-school learning. Each system has unique […]

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Difference Making

Schools Alive With Possibility

[…] credit opportunities, skill building, and tech work experience. The initiative, launched with support from IBM, now includes 210 US schools and more in 28 countries (see podcast). Competency-Based & Credentialed Learning The pandemic accelerated skills-based hiring. Major employers got smart about job requirements and, rather than degrees, became more explicit about skill requirements. Big […]

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Competency-Based Education

CBE: Getting Started with Learner-Centered Practices with an Equity Lens

Rebecca Midles and Deion Jordan highlight the 2021 Aurora Institute Symposium Breakout Session on “Competency-Based Education: Getting Started with Learner-Centered Practice and an Equity Lens” where over 100 edu leaders joined in to ensure equitable access to high-quality learning for all.

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Future of Learning

The Rise of Skills-Based Hiring And What it Means for Education

[…] credits and degrees are weak proxies for developed human capability. For 20 years, around the edges, there has been steady progress moving away from seat time to competency-based learning–a combination of individual path and pace, the time and support to master competencies, and credentials that signal new capabilities. The surge in skills-based hiring means […]

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Future of Learning

The Future of High School

[…] University Charter School in Alabama implement pathway programs in partnership with universities that focus on regional employment needs such as health care, education, manufacturing and entrepreneurship. Personalized and competency-based approaches. We know that 1:1 tutoring and voice/choice in experience and pace lead to stronger outcomes. Meeting every learner where they are at the right time, with […]

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New Pathways

How Deep is Their Learning?

Deeper learning isn’t found within the practice of project-based instruction, personalized instruction or competency-based instruction but how the learner applies that instruction.

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