SXSWedu Announces 2012 LAUNCHedu Finalists

SXSWedu Announces 2012 LAUNCHedu Finalists
Startups to showcase innovative educational products and business concepts
January 30, 2012, Austin, TX – SXSWedu® Conference today announced the finalists for the inaugural LAUNCHedu competition, a program that allows entrepreneurs to pitch their educational business concepts and educational products to a judging panel of venture capitalists, successful entrepreneurs and education practitioners.
The fast-paced competition will feature a full day of presentations in two separate categories – one for K-12 and one for Higher Education. It will take place during SXSWedu Conference on March 7, 2012 at the Hilton Austin Downtown in Austin, TX. The event is built upon the model of the successful Accelerator programs at SXSW® Interactive and SXSW Music Festivals.
“We were extremely impressed by the innovative education business ideas and products that startups submitted for the inaugural LAUNCHedu event,” said Ron Reed, principal, SXSWedu. “Competition was fierce and the LAUNCHedu event promises to be a compelling exhibition of some of the most creative concepts in education today.”
Finalists in the K-12 category are:
Palo Alto, CA
BloomBoard brings the ideals of differentiated instruction to teacher development. We provide free observation and evaluation tools for districts, and use the data collected to build individualized learning plans for teachers. We then deliver personalized recommendations to each teacher from our open marketplace of professional development providers, resources, and workshops.
Long Beach, CA
Chromatik is a music technology company redefining how people practice, perform, and teach music. Built as a learning platform for true musicians, Chromatik provides the tools needed to play music and collaborate with educators via mobile and web applications. Users already include musicians at American Idol, Juilliard, and UCLA.
Malvern, PA
KinderTown’s educational app store and teaching guide helps busy parents mix learning into everyday play. Available as a free download on the App Store, KinderTown recommends only the best educational apps for preschoolers and young kids. With KinderTown, teachers put fun tools for learning directly into parents hands.
San Francisco, CA
LearnBoost empowers schools and classrooms with freemium administrative software. Track grades online, create and manage lesson plans, generate beautiful reports and analytics, and share progress with parents and students while integrating with Google Apps. Available in +12 languages and used by schools in over 20 countries.
Reading Kingdom
Los Angeles, CA
Reading Kingdom is a groundbreaking, patented online reading program. It is based on the work of Dr. Marion Blank, the Director of the Light on Literacy program at Columbia University and one of the world’s top experts on reading.
Success Highways
Denver, CO
Founded in 2006, ScholarCentric uses university research to address the socio-emotional skills that are scientifically linked to student engagement, academic achievement and graduation rates. The flagship suite, Success Highways, includes validated early-warning assessments, research-based curriculum, and capacity-building professional development.
Finalists in the Higher Education category are:
New York, NY
College search and admissions is miserable. CollegeSolved, the HubSpot of college admissions, is a marketing platform for colleges. Our products provide solutions to the key pain points for prospective students and enrollment officers. We help students with discovery and admissions and enrollment officers with identification and targeting of future students.
San Francisco, CA
SP Controls has a strong innovation track record in AV control. When Apple announced the iPad, the potential for a simple, intuitive, mobile AV interface was clear. The result is Doceri – interactive whiteboard and content creation designed for today’s connected and distance learning classrooms at a fraction of the cost.
Einztein Knowledge Exchange
Santa Monica, CA
Einztein is the social learning network for higher education and lifelong learners. We bring the power of social networking to learning and enable anyone to create an online learning community for resource sharing, collaboration and discussion.
Santa Monica, CA
GYLO is an educational software company with leading expertise in creating games & simulations embedded with stealth assessment. GYLO helps publishers facing 3 major challenges: rise of free content, transformation of paper-to-digital, and transition to Common Core Standards. Publishers license GYLO’s technologies for revenue sharing, consulting fees, and support contracts.
San Francisco, CA
With LearningJar, add new skills to your life kit by following proven paths to validate your progress and share your success. | facebook/the learningjar | @learningjar
Vancouver, BC
Two years ago a couple of university students wondered how the Internet would change education. Today, Matygo is driving that change by combining the best of real world classrooms with the latest thinking from education design into an online service that makes these innovations accessible worldwide.
Winners of LAUNCHedu will receive a modest cash stipend and a variety of consulting services from LAUNCHedu advisory board members and supporting organizations.
LAUNCHedu is overseen by an advisory board consisting of more than a dozen nationally recognized leaders within the educational business and educational technology fields. Members of this diverse, experienced group are Michael Crosno, founder, CEO and chairman, MyEdu; Jack Chorowsky, chief operating officer, KIPP New York; Tom Gilligan, dean, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin; Gary June, chief marketing and business development officer, Pearson Education; Sergio Monsalve, principal, Norwest Venture Partners; John Mullen, vice president and general manager, Education, State & Local Government, Dell, Inc; Hugh Norwood, president, Trinity Education Group; Adam Dell, venture partner, Austin Ventures; Deborah Quazzo, co-founder, GSV Advisors; Greg Ratliff, senior program officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Drew Scheberle, senior vice president, Education & Talent, Austin Chamber of Commerce; Jeff Shelstad, CEO, Flatworld Knowledge; and Deepak Sindwani, principal, Bain Capital Ventures.
Nrec LLeshaj
Our country is in bad shape because of the unnecessary laws implemented for everyone's benefits.
For example: 1. Many charity organizations are abusing laws for their gain. (Only one is good that we all know and that is Red Cross Swiss philanthropist Henri Dunant 1828–1910 Geneva)
1. US philanthropists donate billions of dollars for kids, (that's a good job - IF ITS TRUE) In fact big donors, they open charitable organizations for themselves and use their people or their president and take advantage of the tax deductions, (theft #1) take control of the charity ask people to donate (theft #2) use donated money to make vaccines or sort of health, Religion, education (theft #3) and sell vaccines and health care systems (just to mention a few) to our kids that was meant to be free (theft #4) now hard working families pay for second time. Once give donation and second time buy what was already paid with their tax money (I would call this a double dip - just unbelievable). We end up trillions in debt each year…
Lets go a step further. Can you believe our citizens have been paying fraudulent income tax since 1913 (tax money that was supposed to be used to balance our state on gold, just imagine the price of gold 100 years ago verses today. US would absolutely be in great strength and way above the balance of our economy. Our economy from hard working people in this country today is around 8 Trillion a year). What happen on 1913? President Wilson signed in to law 100 years ago. You see for this reason we should conclude that it is easy to sign in to law but hard to remove a bad law.
In the other hand philanthropist are to busy when you need them, because they rushing 501(c) organizations to receive donation. Government corrupting it's own self signing new law's and 501(c) organizations corrupting people.
I would say same as the speaker of the house Mr. Boehner: "If you came here to achieve some kind of victory the door is right behind you".