AEE Digital Learning Policy Recommendations and Promising Practices
The Alliance for Excellence in Education (AEE) released today its policy brief on “Digital Learning and Technology: Federal Policy Recommendations to Seize the Opportunity — and Promising Practices That Inspire Them,” supporting the increased development and implementation of digital learning initiatives in K-12 education.
The policy builds off existing trends, which include increased student enrollment in online courses, greater movement toward technology-based professional development for teachers and heightened use of digital lesson plans in the classroom, to reach primary education goals outlined by the recent Barack Obama administration.
According to the brief, digital learning tools and blended learning generate opportunity for increased access, effectiveness, productivity and achievement in K-12 education. Students, teachers, administrators and parents benefit from the outcomes of digital learning in education.
Introducing digital learning in the classroom can address many of the causes of dropout rates by offering differentiated, individualized and personalized learning experiences for struggling students. Teachers and administrators can better communicate and collaborate with students as well as assess students’ achievement and intervene when necessary to prevent dropouts.
The AEE policy recommends introducing federal initiatives to infuse dedicated, leadership technology throughout educational programs to close the achievement gap, increase the potential of learning and create positive outcomes for students, teachers and administrators.
Click here to read the complete AEE policy brief.
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