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Relationship Mapping: Unlock Support & Opportunity For All Learners

August 11, 2022 | 10:00 am–11:00 am PDT

Do you know who your students know? As schools strive to ensure that all young people have access to supportive relationships, work-based learning opportunities, and postsecondary options, they often rely on scarce support staff and educators who are stretched thin. But what if schools could authentically engage with all of the people their students already know beyond the four walls of the classroom? 

Join Getting Smart, alongside Julia Freeland Fisher (Clayton Christensen Institute), Edward DeJesus (Social Capital Builders, Inc.) and Tyler Thigpen (The Forest School) for a discussion of innovative approaches to mapping and analyzing students’ existing networks as a way to build more asset-based pathways. Learn how building networks doesn’t just have to be about students meeting new people; it can be about students having new types of conversations with people they already know. Discuss how these asset-based approaches could make new pathways more relational, better resourced, and more deeply connected to students’ existing communities.