Report: From Remediation to Acceleration
Jobs for the Future (JFF) released “From Remediation to Acceleration: Early Lessons from Two Philadelphia Back on Track Schools,” a report that discusses how to bring students in drop-out recovery programs up to speed and ready for college, this October.
Many students who enter drop-out recovery programs are behind in reading, writing or math. In order to “catch up,” students need to learn these skills at an accelerated rate to be on track for future education.
The report takes a look at two Back on Track schools in Philadelphia as case studies for how programs can help students move from “remediation” to “acceleration,” providing them with college-ready skills.
The report shows:
“In one year, more than two-thirds of their students progressed two or more grade levels in reading, and the same was true in math. Also, between one-fourth and one-third of students advanced four grade levels in just one year. The schools are now in their third year of implementation, and JFF is working with city and educational leaders to expand their success.”
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