Best of Good Work 2012

Making a difference often takes more than intent and effort, Impact Takes Vision, Values, and Good Timing.
The presidential race includes two Catholic running mates, a social conservative and a social justice advocate. Father Robert Sirico is an advocate for Freedom and Virtue. He thinks capitalism can promote prosperity and virtue.
People that make a difference are either angry or hopeful. Some see a better future and work The Abundance Mindset. Angry or optimist, it’s a good thing that Some Choose Wisely.
Had enough of Super PAC ads yet? Despite sharks DC is full of talented people Serving Ideas.
Lisa Nielsen runs a provocative Facebook discussion group. Some participants are really down on private enterprise, but I see a lot of folks doing Good Work in the Private Sector.
It’s back to school time. We all benefit from people that choose to Leave a Legacy and Teach.
Here are 10 Quotes on Measuring Your Life from Clay Christensen. Here are thee quotes from MLK on Education, Race, and Nonviolence.

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