Summer Learning: 10 Professional Learning Experiences for Educators
Rachelle Dene Poth shares seven summer professional learning opportunities for educators.
Strengthening K-3 Distance Learning
By: Jennifer Poon. Jennifer speaks with Kindergarten teachers from several states about the challenges and solutions they came up with to handle distance learning.
Composer Helps Teachers To String Together Citizenship Learning Experiences
Composer has created a platform that curated citizenship education resources from more than 30 content providers for teachers from around the world to use in their classrooms.
Students Tackle Real World Topics with Podcasts
By: Stevie Frank. Stevie outlines how podcasts are being used across K-12 as a way to amplify student voice.
iLEAD’s Equity Task Force Takes A Stand Against Racial Injustice, Inequality
In order to have a deeper understanding of equity, institutional biases, and anti-racism, Michae shares how iLEAD Schools have set an urgent response in motion
Respondus LockDown: Is This the Answer to Prevent Students Cheating on Exams?
By: Sam Bocetta. The migration to online learning has led to a rise in electronic test tracking and proctoring services such as Respondus LockDown - raising significant concerns about student privacy.
19 Year Old Earns Bachelors Degree
Learn how 19-year-old Tiana Brown just graduated from college debt-free through her innovative high school early college program.
Getting Clearer: Our Students Need Sponsors, Not Saviors
Kelly explains the importance of students having sponsors - concerted communities of mentors that in various roles and responsibilities invest in the talents and desires of our young people.
Students Earn AA Degrees and Job Offers as Grads from IBM Supported High Schools
IBM has long been a supporter of early-college and dual enrollment schools. Tom discusses how these opportunities provide work experiences while gaining accelerated and affordable access to college.
Lessons from the Spring: Tips to Inform Future Distance Learning
With dramatic shifts to learning circumstances, educators are working to translate the physical classroom to the virtual environment. Erin and Kristen share lessons inform practices for any future distance learning.