STEM & Maker
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Maker programs are the emphasis on more technical disciplines espousing innovation and invention as application, acquiring tangible skills that lean into those critical professions of the 21st century.
All Kids Coding in Rhode Island
Richard Culatta shares more on Rhode Island's CS4RI program--an ambitious plan to offer computer-science classes in every school in the state by the fall of 2017, making it the first state ever to do so.
3 Tips For Building a STEM Classroom Makerspace
By: Lindsay Olsen. There is a natural connection between makerspaces and STEM learning, and magical things happen when the two are combined. Here are three tips for creating a makerspace in your STEM classroom.
The Top Five Unexpected Benefits of Robotics in the Classroom
By: Aaron Maurer. As a teacher for 13 years, I've found the use of robotics in the classroom has proven to be a consistent way to teach students the STEM skills needed to prepare them for the future job market.
The Universe is Rad: Big Picture Learning Student Joins Global Science Competition
By: Owen Cuseo, Noah Salem, Jodie Woodruff and Chris Jackson. It can be difficult to imagine that any one of the students around us might go on to change the world. Here's one that we think might.
Maker Space Promotes Problem Solving & Computational Thinking
By: Karon Weber. At this year's ISTE 2016, Microsoft's pop-up maker space booth showed educators how creating a great maker space promoting problem-solving and computational thinking doesn’t have significantly drain resources.
Smart Review | littleBits STEAM Student Set & STEAM Teacher PD
By: Matt Cohen. As a STEM and math teacher, I recently had the opportunity to explore and provide the Smart Review about the littleBits STEAM Student Set as well the littleBits STEAM online Professional Development.
Maker Education for All Ages
Learners of all ages need the opportunity to learn in a makerspace, regardless of whether or not it is an initiative at their school or place of work. Here are examples of where that is happening and where to go to learn more.
The Advantages to Different Mentoring Paths on Robotics Teams
By: Dr. Nathan Dolenc. K-12 robotics programs have become increasingly popular in the past decade, and having mentors for students is an important part of the learning process. Here are the advantages to both high and low mentor involvement on these teams.
Mathematical Modeling For High School Students
By: Sasan Erfan and Yunkai Zhang. Mathematical modeling is an integral yet underrepresented part of our society. So student-founded AoCMM is on a mission to inform, excite and educate high school students everywhere about this necessary field of study.
MakerEd Micro-Credentialing: Teachers Want to Play, Too!
By: Jennifer Pieratt. Micro-credentialing could be one of the answers to empowering and providing more personalized learning for our teachers. Here are more details on teachers earning the "first of its kind" makered badge.