Smart Planet
The Smart Planet series seeks out stories from educators and organizations (around the world) addressing social justice, civil rights and equity. Find out how leaders are teaching in light of these new challenges. Move beyond collection of resources to actually doing.
Utilizing Technology to Build Global Learning and SEL
Global learning and social and emotional learning (SEL) are two increasingly important concepts in education. Individually, both of these concepts are terrific--but coupled together they can make for a deeply powerful learning experience for students.
3 Ways to Participate in Global Collaboration Day 2017
Students, teachers and organizations across the world are celebrating Global Collaboration Day today. Here are three ways you can also participate in this virtual event.
Smart Review | The Global Education Guidebook
Educators who are striving to be globally connected can look to the Global Education Guidebook for strategies to develop equitable global partnerships that mutually benefit students of all ages.
How Educators Can Best Support International Students
By: Craig Pines. More and more international students are coming to America to attend high school. What can schools and teachers do to support them and make sure they're happy and successful?
A Conversation About Creating A Global Classroom
By: Jessica Altounian and Holly Pazos. In this interview-style blog post, we discuss Holly's experience implementing global collaboration projects and virtual reality in her classroom.
California Schools Getting Global
Guest author Janet Mann describes how educators, business and community members, and policy-makers convened for California’s first Global Education Summit in 2016.
Hot Topics from the Harvard Think Tank on Global Education
By: Erin Dowd. Changing the culture of a classroom or school happens in small steps with intentionality, each day with a shift in motivation from data points to culture to building new habits for ourselves and for our students.
Building Global Awareness Through Student Names
By: Dr. Yee Wan. Let's help today's students develop the global awareness skills they'll need for future success by teaching respect in schools around properly pronouncing students’ names.
Infographic | Connecting Educators Globally
There’s an unmet global demand for access to high-quality education. Learn more from this infographic about next steps for connecting high-achieving school networks globally and ultimately improving student outcomes everywhere.
Living As If All Lives Have Equal Value
I’ve had the good fortune to live and work with people who believe all lives are equal, and who value openness, generosity and innovation as value creation. Here are five lessons they taught me.