Smart Parents

We spend a lot of our time creating and sharing resources for educators and parents (who are often one and the same audience). Time and time again, we observe that families are left out of the equation when it comes to determining the primary audience for education reports, papers and articles—even though they are among the hungriest for informed opinions that can help them. Smart Parents is a blog series for parents, by parents who are navigating educational opportunities + making powerful decisions for and with their students. Learn more in Smart Parents: Parenting for Powerful Learning.


Smart Review | Galactic Hot Dogs

By: Mary Ryerse and Luke Ryerse. Mary and her 9-year-old son each have their own positive reviews for Simon Schuster's Galactic Hot Dogs series of books.

Competency-Based Education

Should I Grade-Skip My Gifted Child?

By: Jonathan Wai, Ann Lupkowski Shoplik and Susan Assouline. One effective way to help talented students remain intellectually challenged and engaged in school is to have them skip a grade. But how do you decide this is right for your child?


EdTech 10: Super Schools

The world is a-buzz with the news of the 10 XQ Super Schools, where our own Mary Ryerse was invited to be a judge. This week’s top ten news stories offer even more super news about teaching and learning.


EdTech 10: Practice Future Now

We're committed to exploring important education topics that aren’t yet “front of mind” and sharing what we’re learning, including these new education ideas and innovations to help us all "practice future now."

Personalized Learning

Parenting, Learning and The Power of Place

My husband and I recently decided to put the “4 I’s” of Smart Parents into practice during this year's family vacation. Here’s what we learned about parenting and the power of place while exploring and adventuring with our daughters.