Smart Lists
We view “Smart Lists” as a chance to highlight resources, schools, and organizations doing good work in specific areas of education. Smart Lists are some of our most viewed posts. Interested in sponsoring a Smart List? Email Jessica to learn more about what we offer.
12 Reasons Every District Should Open a Flex School
Using a flex model, every community can afford to have a great high school. Every community should have a flex option that provides a fully supported individualized pathways to graduation. Every community should use a flex model to leverage local resources and meet specific needs. Every district should open a flex model so that everyone can visit and experience the future of education.
Smart List: 30 Innovation Investors
Smart Lists continues! This time with 30 investors, incubators and new school engines powering the learning revolution.
Smart List: 50 Great Blogs & Blasts
The 2nd Annual "Smart List" Awards continues with 50 thought leading blogs, blasts and EdTech sites you should be plugged in to.
Smart List: 40 People Shaping the Future of K-12 Education
Today we are recognizing 40 thought leaders and change makers shaping the future of U.S. K-12 education.
Smart List: 45 Advocacy Orgs Making a Difference
Today we are recognizing 45 policy and advocacy organizations. These groups put students first, set the path, and lead the conversation.
A Gold Mine of #EdTech Resources: Part I
So, in the spirit of Mrs. Kelly, and to kick-off the new school year, I embark on a two-part series of sharing all the edtech resources I have stored in my mental Rolodex. Or, at least, all that I still use and care to remember. Thanks in no small part to all the amazing colleagues who have shared with me throughout my career, I embrace these technology gadgets as an endless treasure of educational tools.
10 Things Parents/Guardians Should Do Now
Hope you’re enjoying the summer break and visiting some cool places with the kids. As you’re getting ready to go back to work, spend a few minutes thinking about your role as a learning leader. Here’s 10 things you can do for your K-12 students that will make a difference. Manage…
10 Things Superintendents Should Do Now
A discussion with a group of Ohio superintendents led to a list of ten projects we discussed for fall 2014.
10 Things Educators, Mayors, Business Leaders Should Do Now
Take 10 minutes and think about ways you can extend your impact. Here's 10 things educators, civic and business leaders can do to help create #SmartCities
20 Things States Should Do Now
Considering the opportunity provided by new tools and new schools, here are 15 things every state should do now.