SEL & Mindset
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the deliberate commitment to including a framework of essential skills and dispositions that complement academics but historically have not been a part of curricular design. Learners acquire and effectively apply the skills necessary for self-regulation or managing and talking about emotions, forming relationships, setting goals and demonstrating empathy during their learning.
An Education Journey: A Q&A with Rachelle Dené Poth
We asked our frequent columnist Rachelle Dené Poth a few questions about belonging, teaching and leading.
Style and Substance: Help teachers create the classroom of their dreams
Supporting what educators want—not just what they need—can make all the difference.
Jump Start: How to Encourage Proactivity
Everybody can be proactive. Everybody has the potential to be a champion for their ideas and get started on things and be inspiring to others. Johanna Peetz, a psychology professor at Carleton University shares more.
Know Thyself: Your Values Are Your Compass
When you affirm a core personal value, you shore up your sense of self-worth. You broaden your perspective: Instead of zooming in on your inadequacies, you switch to a wide-angle view that includes your resources and opportunities.
Districts Must Consider The Portrait of a Whole Child
During a time when the prevalence of depression among young people is increasing, it is crucial to adopt an approach that acknowledges learners as holistic individuals, moving beyond mere data points or rigid test scores.
What Is Student Well-Being, and How Do We Create the Conditions to Support It in Our Schools?
Informed by data collected from Challenge Success partner schools and other research in the field, Sarah Miles and Denise Pope share best practices to support student well-being in school settings.
Echoes of Fear: Consistent Exposure Keeps Anxiety at Bay
Today, I’ve asked Seth J. Gillihan to share his Tip of the Week. Earlier this year, I was so excited to get together with my youngest brother and his family for the first time since the pandemic—and to meet my new nephew. So when we settled into the living room…
Center of Attention: Noticing Joy in the Everyday
Cassie Holmes shares her tip of the week on noticing joy.
Tough New Growth: A Combination Mindset that Can Build Resilience
Adolescence is a stressful stage of life. Treating stress like the enemy steers teens away from the challenges they need to help them mature into capable, independent young adults.
Addressing The Anxiety Wave In Schools
Students are looking to us, the adults, to show them how to deal with the feelings they are having. It comes down to modeling.