Project-Based World

In this year-long campaign titled “It’s a Project-Based World,” Getting Smart explored the economic realities of a project-based world as part of the equity movement to ensure all students are prepared for college, career and citizenship. The purpose of this project was to promote equity and access to deeper learning outcomes for all students. We cultivated a blog series exploring topics around the preparation of students, teachers and leaders for a project-based world. In addition to the blog series, the campaign included podcast interviews, publications, infographics and speaking engagements. For more see our It’s a Project-based World campaign page.

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This podcast highlights developing trends in K-12 education, postsecondary and lifelong learning. Each week, Getting Smart team members interview students, leading authors, experts and practitioners in research, tech, entrepreneurship and leadership to bring listeners innovative and actionable strategies in education leadership.

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Project-Based World

Be Anything

By: Brandon Goon and Willy Golden. Brandon and Willy deliver Be Anything, a web app that helps students work on personalized paths in school, manage their projects, gives teachers the context they need to provide just-in-time feedback.

Future of Learning

Platform Skills Tighten Focus on Effective Communication

David shares his excitement around the development of platform skills in the education sector and outlines five key platform skills to enhance PBL frameworks and improve a students’ ability to effectively communicate for a purpose and to a target audience.