Post-secondary is a shifting space — four year degrees may not always be the fit and new alternatives are being created at an alarming rate. This topic encompasses everything from higher ed to adult learning and workforce pipelines and development.
Top 10 Highlights of the 2017 NMC Horizons Report: HigherEd Edition
Six key trends, six significant challenges and six developments in educational technology are profiled in the latest NMC Horizons Report as poised to impact teaching, learning and creative inquiry in higher education. Here are the highlights
Creating Change-Agents: The Intersection of Critical Thinking and Student Agency
By: Jenny Pieratt. As educators, we know that in order to develop the next generation with the skills to innovate and improve our world we can no longer teach students what to think. We must teach them how to think.
The Role of Advisory in Personalizing the Secondary Experience
High school can be a confusing time, especially today with the increasing options for students due to the rapid expansion of digital learning. This is why we believe advisory has to be the spine of the next generation high school.
A Monster Bet on Gap Closing Relationships and Supports
Learn more about The Academy Group, a new enterprise designed to prepare young people from under-resourced communities to own and operate successful companies nationwide.
The Future of Jobs Training: 2 Promising Career Prep Pathways
By: Robyn Bagley. There will likely always be a place for the traditional route of higher education, but the demands of cost and time to the student are being reconsidered as employers are changing what they ultimately value. Here, I look at the shifting tides of career prep.
What Helped Me Succeed in College and Beyond: A Student’s Perspective
By: Rich Nickel. Our current system is not adequately serving our low-income students, first-generation college students and minority students. Here's one student's take on the supports that helped him overcome this challenge.
Why Rigorous Literacy Instruction is Essential for Lifelong Learning
By: Eileen Murphy Buckley. High-skilled jobs require a very specific set of lifelong learning skills. The most valuable are the abilities to consume information and think about it critically.
10 Strategies for Strengthening Academic and Social Support
The College Readiness Initiative launched through College Spark Washington has shown promising and informative results. An evaluation of the program suggests these 10 lessons for improving college readiness.
Michael Crow On What’s Next In HigherEd and the EdTech Tools It Will Take
This year's ASU GSV Summit once again provided plenty of great keynoters sharing thought leadership on innovations in education. One of the most substantive speakers was Michael Crow on the future of The Future of HigherEd--here's more from his keynote.
How To Erase Higher Education’s “Learning Design Debt”
What might have worked yesterday for college students isn’t working for a large portion of today’s students, with more than 31 million leaving before graduating in the last 20 years. However, one potential solution to the completion problem is emerging.