Post-secondary is a shifting space — four year degrees may not always be the fit and new alternatives are being created at an alarming rate. This topic encompasses everything from higher ed to adult learning and workforce pipelines and development.
Interactive Online Stats Proves Faster & Cheaper Than Traditional Version
The new research from the nonprofit organization Ithaka was seeking to prove the viability of a less expansive application of “machine-guided learning” than the new MOOCs are attempting -- though one that nevertheless could have real implications for the costs of higher education.
Q&A: What’s GoingOn At Your University?
GoingOn, an academic social networking platform, allows educators and administrators to keep student informed about unique opportunities in their major, courses, interests and more. Jon Corshen, CEO of GoingOn, joins us today to discuss the ways that social networking is expanding opportunities for students, bridging gaps in collaboration and integrating increased back-channeled conversation in and out of the classroom.
Fidelis Launches Pre-MBA Bootcamp to Support Vets
Last Thursday, Fideslis launched a pre-MBA Bootcamp program for the prior military MBA class of 2014 (courses delivered by UCLA ext). Fidelis provides an end-to-end solution for the military-to-civilian career transition. The collaborate with leading universities, companies, and military organizations.
College Completion: Still a Big Deal, So Let’s Make It Easier and Cheaper
The return on investment from American colleges is dropping. But disruptive alternatives—like free—will pop the bubble for third tier institutions. Declining subsidies will convert your favorite state U into a selective private institution. Let’s make sure the massive public subsidy is producing an ROI.
MN High School Students Can Take Free College Classes
About half of the states allow high school students to enroll in college courses. Last week Minnesota joined the club with legislation powered by a 'money follows the student' provision. Students can take courses on the college campus or online. Following is a summary written by our friend Joe Nathan.
Harvard & MIT Launch Nonprofit Edx to Extend Access
Harvard University and MIT today announced edX, a transformational new partnership in online education. Through edX, the two institutions will collaborate to enhance campus-based teaching and learning and build a global community of online learners.
Equal Access to College Preparatory Curriculum
By: David Haglund. The California Student Bill of Rights Initiative, a project of Education Forward, seeks to remedy this inequity in access through an initiative slated for the November 2012 ballot.
Why Didn’t Early College Catch Fire?
Ten years ago tomorrow Utah Gov Mike Leavitt and I sat down to breakfast with a small group of reporters to brief them on a plan for a network of six early college high schools. The briefing was cut short when the governor’s chief of staff whispered in his ear…